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FILE : learn_f.c
SHORTNAME : learn_f
PURPOSE : SNNS-Kernel Learning Functions
NOTES : with following learning functions:
- Backpropagation
- Backpropagation with momentum term
- Quickprop
- Counterpropagation
- BackPercolation
- Backpropagation through time
- Batch backpropagation through time
- Quickprop through time
- Kohonen (by Univ. of Tuebingen)
AUTHOR : Niels Mache
DATE : 01.10.90
CHANGED BY : Sven Doering, Michael Vogt, Martin Reczko ,Guenter Mamier
IDENTIFICATION : @(#)learn_f.c 1.41 4/25/94
LAST CHANGE : 4/25/94
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
#include <stdio.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <values.h>
#include "kr_typ.h" /* Kernel Types and Constants */
#include "kr_const.h" /* Constant Declarators for SNNS-Kernel */
#include "kr_def.h" /* Default Values */
#include "kernel.h" /* kernel function prototypes */
#include "kr_mac.h" /* Kernel Macros */
#include "glob_typ.h"
#include "kr_art.h"
#include "kr_art1.h"
#include "kr_art2.h"
#include "kr_amap.h"
#include "krart_df.h"
#include "kr_newpattern.h"
#include "kr_JordElm.h"
#include "learn_f.ph"
GROUP : backpropagation learning algorithm
AUTHOR : Niels Mache
DATE : 01.01.1990
LAST CHANGE : 18.03.1994
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
FUNCTION : propagateNetForward
PURPOSE : forward pass for most of the learning algorithms
NOTES : topological forward propagation
UPDATE : 05.11.1993
static void propagateNetForward(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no)
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register Patterns in_pat;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
/* calculate startaddress for input pattern array */
in_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,INPUT,NULL);
if(in_pat == NULL){
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
/* copy pattern into input unit's activation and calculate output of the
input units */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) {
/* topo_ptr points to a (topological sorted) unit
stucture (input unit first) */
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* identity output function: there is no need to call the output
function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++;
/* no identity output function: calculate unit's output also */
= (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++);
/* popagate hidden units */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* topo_ptr points to a
(topological sorted) unit
stucture */
/* clear error values */
unit_ptr->Aux.flint_no = 0.0;
/* calculate the activation value of the unit: call the activation
function if needed */
unit_ptr->act = (*unit_ptr->act_func) (unit_ptr);
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* identity output function: there is no need to call the output
function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act;
/* no identity output function: calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act);
/* popagate output units */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* topo_ptr points to a
(topological sorted) unit
stucture */
/* clear error values */
unit_ptr->Aux.flint_no = 0.0;
/* calculate the activation value of the unit: call the activation
function if needed */
unit_ptr->act = (*unit_ptr->act_func) (unit_ptr);
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* identity output function: there is no need to call the output
function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act;
/* no identity output function: calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act);
FUNCTION : propagateNetBackward2
PURPOSE : backward pass of the backprop learning algorithm
RETURNS : network error
NOTES : network must be topologically sorted
UPDATE : 07.02.1994 by Sven Doering
static float propagateNetBackward2(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no,
float learn_parameter, float delta_max)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register Patterns out_pat;
register float error, sum_error, eta, devit, learn_error;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
int size;
sum_error = 0.0; /* reset network error */
eta = learn_parameter; /* store learn_parameter in CPU register */
/* calculate address of the output pattern (with number pattern_no + 1) */
out_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,OUTPUT,&size);
if(out_pat == NULL){
out_pat += size;
/* add 3 to no_of_topo_units because the topologic array contains 4 NULL
pointers */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + (no_of_topo_units + 3);
/* calculate output units only */
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL) {
devit = *(--out_pat) - unit_ptr->Out.output; /* calc. devitation */
if ((float) fabs(devit) <= delta_max)
sum_error += devit * devit; /* sum up the error of the network */
/* calc. error for output units */
error = devit * (unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr);
/* calc. the error for adjusting weights and bias of the pred.
units */
if (IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(unit_ptr))
learn_error = 0.0;
learn_error = eta * error;
/* adjust bias value */
unit_ptr->bias += learn_error;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) {
/* the unit has direkt links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) { /* adjust links and
calc. errors of the
predecessor units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->weight += learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
} else { /* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
/* adjust links and calc. errors of the predecessor units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->weight += learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
/* calculate hidden units only */
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL) {
/* calc. the error of the (hidden) unit */
error = (unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr) *
/* calc. the error for adjusting weights and bias of the pred.
units */
if (IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(unit_ptr))
learn_error =0.0;
learn_error = eta * error;
/* adjust bias value */
unit_ptr->bias += learn_error;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) {
/* the unit has direkt links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) { /* adjust links and
calc. sum of errors
of the pred. units */
/* this link points to a hidden unit: sum up the
error's from previos units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no +=
link_ptr->weight * error;
+= learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
} else { /* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
/* adjust links and calc sum of errors of the pred. units */
/* this link points to a hidden unit: sum up the
error's from previos units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no +=
link_ptr->weight * error;
+= learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
return (sum_error); /* return the error of the network */
PURPOSE : main routine for the backpropagation algorithm
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Input Parameters: 1 : learning parameter
2 : delta max
Output Parameters: 1 : error of the network (sum of all cycles)
UPDATE : 05.11.1993
krui_err LEARN_backprop(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1]; /* OutParameter[0] stores the
learning error */
int i, pattern_no, sub_pat_no, no_of_layers;
KernelErrorCode = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
/* #### have to be changed (must be 2) #### */
if (NoOfInParams < 1) { /* Not enough input parameters */
return (KernelErrorCode);
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* One return value is available (the
learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set the output parameter reference */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGICAL_FF)) {
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* check the topology of the network */
no_of_layers = kr_topoCheck();
if (KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
/* an error has occured */
return (KernelErrorCode);
if (no_of_layers < 2) { /* the network has less then 2 layers */
KernelErrorCode = KRERR_FEW_LAYERS;
return (KernelErrorCode);
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
if (kr_IOCheck() != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
/* sort units by topology and by topologic type */
(void) kr_topoSort(TOPOLOGICAL_FF);
if ((KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR) &&
(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (KernelErrorCode);
NetModified = FALSE;
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0; /* reset network error value */
propagateNetForward(pattern_no,sub_pat_no); /* Forward propagation */
/* Backward propagation */
/* 1st parameter is the learning parameter 2nd parameter is the max.
devitation between output pattern and the output of the output
unit (delta max) */
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) +=
return (KernelErrorCode);
FUNCTION : propagateNetBackwardBatch
PURPOSE : backward pass in batch mode for the backprop learning algorithm
RETURNS : network error
UPDATE : 05.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static float propagateNetBackwardBatch(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no,
float delta_max)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register Patterns out_pat;
register float error, sum_error, devit;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
int size;
sum_error = 0.0; /* reset network error */
/* calculate address of the output pattern (with number pattern_no + 1) */
out_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,OUTPUT,&size);
if(out_pat == NULL){
out_pat += size;
/* add 3 to no_of_topo_units because the topologic array contains 4 NULL
pointers */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + (no_of_topo_units + 3);
/* calculate output units only */
/* no test for special units takes place because the final weight */
/* change is performed by updateWeights */
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL) {
devit = *(--out_pat) - unit_ptr->Out.output; /* calc. devitation */
if ((float) fabs(devit) <= delta_max)
sum_error += devit * devit; /* sum up the error of the network */
/* calc. error for output units */
error = devit * (unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr);
/* calc. the error for adjusting weights and bias of the pred.
units */
/* adjust bias value */
unit_ptr->value_a += error;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) {
/* the unit has direkt links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) { /* adjust links and
calc. sum of errors
of pred. units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_a += error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
} else {
/* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
/* adjust links and calc. sum of errors of pred. units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_a += error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
/* calculate hidden units only */
/* no test for special units takes place because the final weight */
/* change is performed by updateWeights */
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL) {
/* calc. the error of the (hidden) unit */
error = (unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr) *
/* calc. the error for adjusting weights and bias of the pred.
units */
/* adjust bias value */
unit_ptr->value_a += error;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) {
/* the unit has direkt links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
/* adjust links and calc sum of errors of the pred. units */
/* this link points to a hidden unit: sum up the
error's from previos units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no +=
link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_a += error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
} else {
/* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
/* adjust links and calc sum of errors of the pred. units */
/* this link points to a hidden unit: sum up the
error's from previos units */
+= link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_a += error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
return (sum_error); /* return the error of the network */
FUNCTION : clearDeltas
PURPOSE : clears delta values for a new run of backprop batch
RETURNS : kernel error code
UPDATE : 05.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err clearDeltas(void)
register FlagWord flags;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
FOR_ALL_UNITS(unit_ptr) {
flags = unit_ptr->flags;
if ((flags & UFLAG_IN_USE) == UFLAG_IN_USE) { /* unit is in use */
unit_ptr->value_a = (FlintType) 0;
if (flags & UFLAG_SITES) { /* unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr)
link_ptr->value_a = (FlintType) 0;
} else { /* unit has no sites */
if (flags & UFLAG_DLINKS) { /* unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr)
link_ptr->value_a = (FlintType) 0;
return (KRERR_NO_ERROR);
FUNCTION : updateWeights
PURPOSE : Update the weights after all patterns have been presented by
RETURNS : kernel error code
UPDATE : 05.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err updateWeights(float eta)
register FlagWord flags;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
FOR_ALL_UNITS(unit_ptr) {
if (!IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(unit_ptr)) {
flags = unit_ptr->flags;
if ((flags & UFLAG_IN_USE) == UFLAG_IN_USE) {
/* unit is in use */
unit_ptr->bias += unit_ptr->value_a * eta;
if (flags & UFLAG_SITES) {
/* unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr)
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->value_a * eta;
} else {
/* unit has no sites */
if (flags & UFLAG_DLINKS) { /* unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr)
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->value_a * eta;
return (KRERR_NO_ERROR);
FUNCTION : LEARN_backpropBatch
PURPOSE : main routine for the batch version of the backpropagation
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Input Parameters: 1 : learning parameter
2 : delta max
Output Parameters: 1 : error of the network (sum of all cycles)
UPDATE : 05.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err LEARN_backpropBatch(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1]; /* OutParameter[0] stores the
learning error */
int i, pattern_no, sub_pat_no, no_of_layers;
KernelErrorCode = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
/* #### have to be changed (must be 2) #### */
if (NoOfInParams < 1) { /* Not enough input parameters */
return (KernelErrorCode);
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* One return value is available ( learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set the output parameter reference */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGICAL_FF)) {
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* check the topology of the network */
no_of_layers = kr_topoCheck();
if (KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
/* an error has occured */
return (KernelErrorCode);
if (no_of_layers < 2) { /* the network has less then 2 layers */
KernelErrorCode = KRERR_FEW_LAYERS;
return (KernelErrorCode);
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
if (kr_IOCheck() != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
/* sort units by topology and by topologic type */
(void) kr_topoSort(TOPOLOGICAL_FF);
if ((KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR) &&
(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (KernelErrorCode);
NetModified = FALSE;
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0; /* reset network error value */
propagateNetForward(pattern_no,sub_pat_no); /* Forward propagation */
/* Backward propagation */
/* 1st parameter is the learning parameter 2nd parameter is the max.
devitation between output pattern and the output of the output
unit (delta max) */
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) +=
return (KernelErrorCode);
GROUP : backpropagation learning algorithm with momentum term
AUTHOR : Niels Mache
DATE : 01.01.1990
LAST CHANGE : 05.11.1993
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
FUNCTION : initializeBackpropMomentum
PURPOSE : backprop-momentum initialisation
RETURNS : kernel error code
UPDATE : 05.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err initializeBackpropMomentum(void)
register FlagWord flags;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
FOR_ALL_UNITS(unit_ptr) {
flags = unit_ptr->flags;
if ((flags & UFLAG_IN_USE) == UFLAG_IN_USE) { /* unit is in use */
unit_ptr->value_a = (FlintType) 0;
if (flags & UFLAG_SITES) { /* unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr)
link_ptr->value_b = (FlintType) 0;
} else { /* unit has no sites */
if (flags & UFLAG_DLINKS) { /* unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr)
link_ptr->value_b = (FlintType) 0;
return (KRERR_NO_ERROR);
FUNCTION : Backprop_momentum_FSE
PURPOSE : Backward error propagation (topological) of backpropagation
learnig function with momentum term and flat spot elimination
RETURNS : network error
UPDATE : 07.02.1994 by Sven Doering
static float Backprop_momentum_FSE(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no,
float learn_parameter,
float mu, float FSE_term, float delta_max)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register Patterns out_pat;
register float error, sum_error, eta, devit, learn_error, mu_help;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
int size;
sum_error = 0.0; /* reset network error */
eta = learn_parameter; /* store learn_parameter in CPU register */
/* calculate address of the output pattern (with number pattern_no + 1) */
out_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,OUTPUT,&size);
if(out_pat == NULL){
out_pat += size;
/* add 3 to no_of_topo_units because the topologic array contains 4 NULL
pointers */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + (no_of_topo_units + 3);
/* calculate output units only */
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL) {
devit = *(--out_pat) - unit_ptr->Out.output; /* calc. devitation */
if ((float) fabs(devit) <= delta_max)
sum_error += devit * devit; /* sum up the error of the network */
/* calc. error for output units */
error = devit * ((unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr) + FSE_term);
/* calc. the error for adjusting weights and bias of the predecessor
units */
mu_help = mu;
learn_error = eta * error;
if(IS_SPECIAL_UNIT( unit_ptr )){
learn_error = 0.0;
mu = 0.0;
unit_ptr->value_a = learn_error + mu * unit_ptr->value_a;
/* adjust bias value */
unit_ptr->bias += unit_ptr->value_a;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) { /* the unit has direkt links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) { /* adjust link weights and
calc. sum of errors of the
predecessor units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_b = learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output +
mu * link_ptr->value_b;
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->value_b;
} else { /* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
/* adjust links and calc. sum of errors of the pred. units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_b = learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output +
mu * link_ptr->value_b;
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->value_b;
mu = mu_help;
/* calculate hidden units only */
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL) {
/* calc. the error of the (hidden) unit */
error = unit_ptr->Aux.flint_no *
((unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr) + FSE_term);
/* calc. the error for adjusting weights and bias of the pred. units */
mu_help = mu;
learn_error = eta * error;
if(IS_SPECIAL_UNIT( unit_ptr )){
learn_error = 0.0;
mu = 0.0;
unit_ptr->value_a = learn_error + mu * unit_ptr->value_a;
/* adjust bias value */
unit_ptr->bias += unit_ptr->value_a;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) { /* the unit has direkt links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) { /* adjust link weights and
calc. sum of errors of the
predecessor units */
/* this link points to a hidden unit: sum up the error's
from previos units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_b = learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output +
mu * link_ptr->value_b;
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->value_b;
} else { /* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
/* adjust links and calc. sum of errors of the pred. units */
/* this link points to a hidden unit: sum up the error's
from previos units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_b = learn_error * link_ptr->to->Out.output +
mu * link_ptr->value_b;
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->value_b;
mu = mu_help;
return (sum_error); /* return the error of the network */
FUNCTION : LEARN_backpropMomentum
PURPOSE : main routine for backpropagation with momentum
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Input Parameters: 1 : learning parameter
2 : momentum term
3 : flat-spot-elimination value
4 : delta max
Output Parameters: 1 : error of the network (sum of all cycles)
UPDATE : 05.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err LEARN_backpropMomentum(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1]; /*OutParameter[0] stores the learning error*/
int i, ret_code, pattern_no, sub_pat_no;
if (NoOfInParams < 1) /* #### have to be changed (must be 2) #### */
return (KRERR_PARAMETERS); /* Not enough input parameters */
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* One return value is available (the
learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set the output parameter reference */
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGICAL_FF)) {
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* check the topology of the network */
ret_code = kr_topoCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code); /* an error has occured */
if (ret_code < 2)
return (KRERR_FEW_LAYERS); /* the network has less then 2 layers */
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
ret_code = kr_IOCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* sort units by topology and by topologic type */
ret_code = kr_topoSort(TOPOLOGICAL_FF);
if ((ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) && (ret_code != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (ret_code);
NetModified = FALSE;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged) { /* Net has been modified or
initialized, initialize
backprop now */
ret_code = initializeBackpropMomentum();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0; /* reset network error value */
propagateNetForward(pattern_no,sub_pat_no); /* Forward propagation */
/* Backward propagation */
/* 1st parameter is the learning parameter 2nd parameter is the
momentum term 3rd parameter is the flat-spot-elimination value 4th
parameter is the max. devitation between output pattern and the
output of the output unit (delta max) */
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) +=
return (ret_code);
GROUP : quickpropagation learning function
AUTHOR : Peter Zimmerer
DATE : 01.01.1990
LAST CHANGE : 05.11.1993
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
FUNCTION : initializeQuickprop
PURPOSE : initializes the quickprop learning
RETURNS : kernel error code
UPDATE : 05.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err initializeQuickprop(void)
register unsigned short flags;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
FOR_ALL_UNITS(unit_ptr) {
flags = unit_ptr->flags;
if ((flags & UFLAG_IN_USE) == UFLAG_IN_USE) { /* unit is in use */
unit_ptr->value_a = unit_ptr->value_b =
unit_ptr->value_c = (FlintType) 0;
if (flags & UFLAG_SITES) { /* unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr)
link_ptr->value_a = link_ptr->value_b =
link_ptr->value_c = (FlintType) 0;
} else { /* unit has no sites */
if (flags & UFLAG_DLINKS) { /* unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr)
link_ptr->value_a = link_ptr->value_b =
link_ptr->value_c = (FlintType) 0;
return (KRERR_NO_ERROR);
FUNCTION : propagateNetBackwardQuickprop
PURPOSE : quickprop backward error propagation
RETURNS : network error
NOTES : quickprop backward error propagation
(topological) for quickprop with SIGMOID_PRIME_OFFSET
batch-modus: without adaption of links and bias
UPDATE : 05.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static float propagateNetBackwardQuickprop(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no,
float delta_max)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register Patterns out_pat;
register float error, /* error */
sum_error, /* sum of the error */
devit; /* deviation */
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
int size;
sum_error = 0.0; /* reset network error */
/* calculate address of the output pattern (with number pattern_no + 1) */
out_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,OUTPUT,&size);
out_pat += size;
/* add 3 to no_of_topo_units because the topologic array contains 4 NULL
pointers */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + (no_of_topo_units + 3);
/* calculate output units only */
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL) {
devit = *(--out_pat) - unit_ptr->Out.output;
/* = o * (1.0 - o) in [0.0,0.25], */
/* for asymmetric logistic function */
if ((float) fabs(devit) <= delta_max)
sum_error += devit * devit; /* sum up the error of the network */
/* calc. error for output units */
error = devit * ((unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr) +
unit_ptr->value_c += -error; /* calculate the bias slopes */
/* learn bias like a weight */
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) {
/* the unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) { /* calculate the slopes */
link_ptr->value_c += -error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
} else {
/* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
/* calculate the value_cs */
link_ptr->value_c += -error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
/* calculate hidden units only */
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL) {
error = ((unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr) +
SIGMOID_PRIME_OFFSET) * unit_ptr->Aux.flint_no;
unit_ptr->value_c += -error; /* calculate the bias slopes */
/* learn bias like a weight */
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) {
/* the unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) { /* calculate the slopes */
/* this link points to a hidden unit: sum up the
error's from previos units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no +=
link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_c += -error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
} else {
/* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
/* calculate the slopes */
/* this link points to a hidden unit: sum up the
error's from previos units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no +=
link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_c += -error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
return (sum_error); /* return the error of the network */
FUNCTION : MODI_quickprop
PURPOSE : modifies the network at the end of each epoch
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static void MODI_quickprop(float learn_parameter, float max_factor,
float decay)
/* learning parameter */
/* maximal grow factor of weights */
/* decay factor */
double deltaw; /* actual weight (bias) change */
float shfac; /* shrink factor */
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
bool hidden_units;
/* maximal grow factor of weights is max_factor */
shfac = max_factor / (1.0 + max_factor);
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + (NoOfInputUnits + 1);
hidden_units = TRUE;
/* calculate hidden and output units only */
do {
if ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) == NULL) {
if (!hidden_units)
break; /* end of topologic pointer array reached */
unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr; /* skip NULL pointer */
hidden_units = FALSE;
if (IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(unit_ptr)) {
unit_ptr->value_a =
unit_ptr->value_b =
unit_ptr->value_c = 0.0;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) {/* unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
link_ptr->value_a =
link_ptr->value_b =
link_ptr->value_c = 0.0;
} else { /* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
link_ptr->value_a =
link_ptr->value_b =
link_ptr->value_c = 0.0;
} else {
deltaw = 0.0; /* adjust bias like a weight */
if (unit_ptr->value_a > 0.0) { /* previous step was positive */
if (unit_ptr->value_c < 0.0)
/* same direction,i.e. slope, value_b have same sign */
deltaw += learn_parameter * (-unit_ptr->value_c);
if (unit_ptr->value_c <= shfac * unit_ptr->value_b)
/* maximal positive step */
deltaw += max_factor * unit_ptr->value_a;
/* littler positive step squared approximation */
deltaw += unit_ptr->value_c /
(unit_ptr->value_b - unit_ptr->value_c)
* unit_ptr->value_a;
} else if (unit_ptr->value_a < 0.0) { /* previous step was
negative */
if (unit_ptr->value_c > 0.0)
/* same direction,i.e. slope, prevslope have same sign */
deltaw += learn_parameter * (-unit_ptr->value_c);
if (unit_ptr->value_c >= shfac * unit_ptr->value_b)
/* maximal negative step */
deltaw += max_factor * unit_ptr->value_a;
/* littler negative step squared approximation */
deltaw += unit_ptr->value_c /
(unit_ptr->value_b - unit_ptr->value_c)
* unit_ptr->value_a;
} else
/* previous step was 0.0 */
/* start of learning process with BP */
deltaw += learn_parameter * (-unit_ptr->value_c);
unit_ptr->bias += deltaw; /* new bias */
unit_ptr->value_a = deltaw; /* bias change */
unit_ptr->value_b = unit_ptr->value_c; /* previous slope */
unit_ptr->value_c = decay * unit_ptr->bias; /* set new slope */
/* adjust links */
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) {/* unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
deltaw = 0.0;
if (link_ptr->value_a > 0.0) { /* prev step was positive */
if (link_ptr->value_c < 0.0)
/* same direction,i.e. slope, prevslope have same
sign */
deltaw += learn_parameter * (-link_ptr->value_c);
if (link_ptr->value_c <= shfac * link_ptr->value_b)
/* maximal positive step */
deltaw += max_factor * link_ptr->value_a;
deltaw += link_ptr->value_c /
(link_ptr->value_b - link_ptr->value_c)
* link_ptr->value_a;
} else if (link_ptr->value_a < 0.0) {
/* previous step was negative */
if (link_ptr->value_c > 0.0)
/* same direction,i.e. slope, prevslope have same
sign */
deltaw += learn_parameter * (-link_ptr->value_c);
if (link_ptr->value_c >= shfac * link_ptr->value_b)
/* maximal negative step */
deltaw += max_factor * link_ptr->value_a;
deltaw += link_ptr->value_c /
(link_ptr->value_b - link_ptr->value_c)
* link_ptr->value_a;
} else /* previous step was 0.0 */
/* start of learning process with BP */
deltaw += learn_parameter * (-link_ptr->value_c);
link_ptr->weight += deltaw; /* new weight */
link_ptr->value_a = deltaw; /* weight change */
link_ptr->value_b = link_ptr->value_c; /* previous slope */
/* set new slope */
link_ptr->value_c = decay * link_ptr->weight;
} /* for links */
} else { /* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
deltaw = 0.0;
if (link_ptr->value_a > 0.0) { /* previous step was
positive */
if (link_ptr->value_c < 0.0)
/* same direction,i.e. slope, prevslope have same
sign */
deltaw += learn_parameter * (-link_ptr->value_c);
if (link_ptr->value_c <= shfac * link_ptr->value_b)
/* maximal positive step */
deltaw += max_factor * link_ptr->value_a;
/* littler positive step squared approximation */
deltaw += link_ptr->value_c /
(link_ptr->value_b - link_ptr->value_c)
* link_ptr->value_a;
} else if (link_ptr->value_a < 0.0) {
/* previous step was negative */
if (link_ptr->value_c > 0.0)
/* same direction,i.e. slope, prevslope have same
sign */
deltaw += learn_parameter * (-link_ptr->value_c);
if (link_ptr->value_c >= shfac * link_ptr->value_b)
/* maximal negative step */
deltaw += max_factor * link_ptr->value_a;
deltaw += link_ptr->value_c /
(link_ptr->value_b - link_ptr->value_c)
* link_ptr->value_a;
} else /* previous step was 0.0 */
/* start of learning process with BP */
deltaw += learn_parameter * (-link_ptr->value_c);
link_ptr->weight += deltaw; /* new weight */
link_ptr->value_a = deltaw; /* weight change */
link_ptr->value_b = link_ptr->value_c; /* previous slope */
/* set new slope */
link_ptr->value_c = decay * link_ptr->weight;
} /* for units */
while (TRUE);
FUNCTION : LEARN_quickprop
PURPOSE : Quickprop learning function
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Input Parameters: 1 : learning parameter
2 : max factor (of the net after every epoch)
3 : decay
4 : delta max
Output Parameters: 1 : error of the network (sum of all cycles)
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err LEARN_quickprop(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1]; /* OutParameter[0] stores the learning error*/
int i, pattern_no, sub_pat_no, ret_code;
if (NoOfInParams < 1) /* ### have to be changed (must be 3) #### */
return (KRERR_PARAMETERS); /* not enough input parameters */
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* one return value is available (the
learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set output parameter reference */
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGICAL_FF)) {
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* check the topology of the network */
ret_code = kr_topoCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code); /* an error has occured */
if (ret_code < 2)
return (KRERR_FEW_LAYERS); /* the network has less then 2 layers */
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
ret_code = kr_IOCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* sort units by topology and by topologic type */
ret_code = kr_topoSort(TOPOLOGICAL_FF);
if ((ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) && (ret_code != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (ret_code);
NetModified = FALSE;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged) { /* Net has been modified or
initialized, initialize
backprop now */
ret_code = initializeQuickprop();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0; /* reset network error value */
propagateNetForward(pattern_no,sub_pat_no); /* Forward propagation */
/* backward propagation and summation of gradient */
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) +=
/* modificate links and bias */
return (ret_code);
GROUP : Counterpropagation learning function
DATE : 01.01.1990
LAST CHANGE : 05.11.1993
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
FUNCTION : initializeCPN
PURPOSE : Counterpropagation initialisation
RETURNS : kernel error code
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err initializeCPN(void)
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
NoOfLearnedPatterns = 0;
/* set unit's bias to zero */
if ((unit_ptr->flags & UFLAG_IN_USE) == UFLAG_IN_USE)
/* unit is in use */
unit_ptr->bias = (FlintType) 0;
return (KRERR_NO_ERROR);
FUNCTION : normalize_weight
PURPOSE : Counterpropagation initialisation
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static void normalize_weight(struct Unit * winner_ptr, float sum)
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register float amount;
amount = 1.0 / sqrt(sum);
/* not necessary to see whether this is a special unit */
if (winner_ptr->flags & UFLAG_SITES)
/* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(winner_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr)
link_ptr->weight = link_ptr->weight * amount;
/* the unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(winner_ptr, link_ptr)
link_ptr->weight = link_ptr->weight * amount;
FUNCTION : normalize_inputvector
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static void normalize_inputvector(float sum)
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register float amount;
amount = 1.0 / sqrt(sum);
if (IS_INPUT_UNIT(unit_ptr) && UNIT_IN_USE(unit_ptr))
/* this is a input unit */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->Out.output * amount;
FUNCTION : propagateNet_CPN
PURPOSE : forward pass of counterprop
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static float propagateNet_CPN(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no, float alpha,
float beta, float threshold)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Unit *winner_ptr;
register Patterns in_pat, out_pat;
float maximum, sum_error, devit, learn_error, sum;
float unit_ptr_net;
float noOfPatterns_mul_NoHiddenUnits;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
/* calculate the activation and the output values */
/* of the input units (Input Layer) */
noOfPatterns_mul_NoHiddenUnits = (float) NoOfLearnedPatterns *
(float) NoOfHiddenUnits;
sum = 0.0;
/* calculate startaddress for input pattern array */
in_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,INPUT,NULL);
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
/* copy pattern into input unit's activation and calculate output of the
input units */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) {
/* topo_ptr points to the unit stuctures (sorted by: input-, hidden-
and output-units, separated with NULL pointers) */
sum += *in_pat * *in_pat;
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* identity output function: there is no need to call the output
function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++;
/* no identity output function: calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output =
(*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++);
if (sum != 0.0)
/* normalize the inputvector */
/* propagate Kohonen Layer */
/* calculate the activation and the output values */
/* of the hidden units (Kohonen Layer) */
winner_ptr = NULL;
maximum = -1.0e30; /* contains the maximum of the activations */
/* popagate hidden units */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* topo_ptr points to a
(topological sorted) unit
stucture */
unit_ptr_net = 0.0;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) { /* the unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr)
unit_ptr_net += (link_ptr->weight * link_ptr->to->Out.output);
} else { /* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr)
unit_ptr_net += (link_ptr->weight * link_ptr->to->Out.output);
if (unit_ptr->bias >= noOfPatterns_mul_NoHiddenUnits)
unit_ptr_net -= threshold;
if (maximum < unit_ptr_net) { /* determine winner unit */
winner_ptr = unit_ptr;
maximum = unit_ptr_net;
/* reset output and activation of hidden units */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act = (FlintType) 0;
/* the competitive winner is chosen */
winner_ptr->Out.output = winner_ptr->act = (FlintType) 1;
/* Training the Kohonen Layer
Only the weights of links that go to the winning unit are adjusted,
the others remain the same. The incoming weights to the competitive
unit are adapted as follows:
weight(new) = weight(old) + eta * (output - weight(old))
where eta is the learning constant (0<eta<=1.0)
and output is the output of the input unit
if (!IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(winner_ptr)) {
sum = 0.0;
if (winner_ptr->flags & UFLAG_DLINKS) { /* the winner unit has direct
links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(winner_ptr, link_ptr) {
devit = link_ptr->to->Out.output - link_ptr->weight;
learn_error = alpha * devit;
link_ptr->weight += learn_error;
/* this is needed for the normalization of the weight_vector */
sum += link_ptr->weight * link_ptr->weight;
} else { /* the winner unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(winner_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
devit = link_ptr->to->Out.output - link_ptr->weight;
learn_error = alpha * devit;
link_ptr->weight += learn_error;
/* this is needed for the normalization of the weight_vector */
sum += link_ptr->weight * link_ptr->weight;
if (sum != 0.0)
normalize_weight(winner_ptr, sum);
/* propagate Grossberg Layer */
/* Training the Grossberg Layer */
/* Adaptation of the Grossberg Layer weights is done by the */
/* Widrow-Hoff rule: */
/* weight(new) = weight(old) + beta * (target output - output) */
/* for all weights connected with the winning unit of the */
/* Kohonen Layers */
/* calculate address of the output pattern */
out_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,OUTPUT,NULL);
sum_error = 0.0;
/* popagate output units */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* topo_ptr points to a
(topological sorted) unit
stucture */
/* calculate the activation and the output values */
/* of the output units (Grossberg Layer) */
/* the activation function is the identity function (weighted sum)
and identity output function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act = (*unit_ptr->act_func) (unit_ptr);
devit = *out_pat++ - unit_ptr->Out.output; /* calculate devitation */
sum_error += devit * devit;
learn_error = beta * devit;
if (!IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(unit_ptr)) {
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)){ /* unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr)
if (link_ptr->to == winner_ptr) {
/* link to the winning unit of the Kohonen Layer */
link_ptr->weight += learn_error;
} else { /* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr)
if (link_ptr->to == winner_ptr) {
/* link to the winning unit of the Kohonen Layer */
link_ptr->weight += learn_error;
return (sum_error);
PURPOSE : main function for counterpropagtion
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err LEARN_CPN(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1]; /* OutParameter[0] stores the
learning error */
int ret_code, i, pattern_no, sub_pat_no;
if (NoOfInParams < 1) /* have to be changed (must be 3) */
return (KRERR_PARAMETERS); /* Not enough input parameters */
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* one return value is available (the
learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set output parameter reference */
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* clear return code */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGIC_TYPE)) {
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* check the topology of the network */
ret_code = kr_topoCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code); /* an error has occured */
if (ret_code != 3)
return (KRERR_FEW_LAYERS); /* the network has less then 2 layers */
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
ret_code = kr_IOCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* sort units by topology and by topologic type */
ret_code = kr_topoSort(TOPOLOGIC_TYPE);
if ((ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) && (ret_code != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (ret_code);
NetModified = FALSE;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged) { /* Net has been modified or
initialized, initialize
backprop now */
ret_code = initializeCPN();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0; /* reset network error value */
+= propagateNet_CPN(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,
return (ret_code);
GROUP : Back-Percolation Learning Function
AUTHOR : Artemis Hatzigeorgiou Algorithm by Mark Jurik
DATE : 01.01.1992
LAST CHANGE : 06.11.1993
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
FUNCTION : propagateNetForward_perc
PURPOSE : topological forward propagation
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static void propagateNetForward_perc(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no)
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register Patterns in_pat;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
/* calculate startaddress for input pattern array */
in_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,INPUT,NULL);
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
/* copy pattern into input unit's activation and calculate output of the
input units */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* topo_ptr points to a
(topological sorted) unit
stucture (input units
first) */
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* identity output function: there is no need to call the output
function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++;
/* no identity output function: calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output =
(*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++);
/* popagate hidden units */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* topo_ptr points to a
(topological sorted) unit
stucture */
/* clear values */
unit_ptr->Aux.flint_no = 0.0;
unit_ptr->value_a = 0.0;
unit_ptr->value_b = 0.000001;
/* calculate the activation value of the unit: call the activation
function if needed */
unit_ptr->act = (*unit_ptr->act_func) (unit_ptr);
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* identity output function: there is no need to call the output
function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act;
/* no identity output function: calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act);
/* popagate output units */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* topo_ptr points to a
(topological sorted) unit
stucture */
/* clear values */
unit_ptr->Aux.flint_no = 0.0;
unit_ptr->value_a = 0.0;
unit_ptr->value_b = 0.000001;
/* calculate the activation value of the unit: call the activation
function if needed */
unit_ptr->act = (*unit_ptr->act_func) (unit_ptr);
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* identity output function: there is no need to call the output
function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act;
/* no identity output function: calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act);
FUNCTION : propagateNetBackward_perc
PURPOSE :topological backward propagation
RETURNS : network error
UPDATE : 07.02.1994 by Sven Doering
static float propagateNetBackward_perc(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no,
float learn_parameter,
float delta_max, float *perc_error)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register Patterns out_pat;
register float error, sum_error, eta, devit;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
register float norm, delta_sig_normaliser, message_weight;
register float act_err, normalised_error, scaled_error,
register float der = 0.0;
register float tmp;
register int is_special;
int size;
sum_error = 0.0; /* reset network error */
eta = learn_parameter; /* store learn_parameter in CPU register */
/* calculate address of the output pattern (with number pattern_no + 1) */
out_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,OUTPUT,&size);
out_pat += size;
/* add 3 to no_of_topo_units because the topologic array contains 4 NULL
pointers */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + (no_of_topo_units + 3);
/* calculate output units only */
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL) {
devit = *(--out_pat) - unit_ptr->Out.output; /* calc. devitation */
if (fabs(devit) > delta_max) { /* calc. error for output units */
*perc_error += fabs(devit);
error = -2.0 * devit * (unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr);
act_err = devit * eta;
sum_error += devit * devit; /* sum up the error of the network */
} else { /* set error of output units to zero */
error = 0.0;
act_err = 0.000001 * eta;
/* calc. the error for adjusting weights and bias of the predecessor
units */
norm = 0.0;
delta_sig_normaliser = 0.000001;
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) { /* adjust link weights and
calc. sum of errors of the
predecessor units */
if (IS_HIDDEN_UNIT(link_ptr->to))
norm += fabs(link_ptr->weight);
delta_sig_normaliser += SQR(link_ptr->to->Out.output);
delta_weight_normaliser = delta_sig_normaliser + 1;
norm += delta_sig_normaliser;
is_special = IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(unit_ptr);
normalised_error = act_err / norm;
scaled_error = act_err / delta_weight_normaliser;
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
tmp = link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += tmp;
message_weight = tmp * tmp;
if (!is_special) {
link_ptr->to->value_a += link_ptr->weight *
normalised_error * message_weight;
link_ptr->to->value_b += message_weight;
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->to->Out.output * scaled_error;
/* adjust bias value */
if (!is_special)
unit_ptr->bias += scaled_error;
/* calculate hidden units only */
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL) {
der = (unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr);
error = der * unit_ptr->Aux.flint_no;
act_err = (unit_ptr->value_a / unit_ptr->value_b) * der;
/* calc. the error for adjusting weights and bias of the predecessor
units */
norm = 0.0;
delta_sig_normaliser = 0.000001;
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
if (IS_HIDDEN_UNIT(link_ptr->to))
norm += fabs(link_ptr->weight);
delta_sig_normaliser += SQR(link_ptr->to->Out.output);
delta_weight_normaliser = delta_sig_normaliser + 1;
norm += delta_sig_normaliser;
is_special = IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(unit_ptr);
normalised_error = act_err / norm;
scaled_error = act_err / delta_weight_normaliser;
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
tmp = link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += tmp;
message_weight = tmp * tmp;
if (!is_special) {
link_ptr->to->value_a += link_ptr->weight *
normalised_error * message_weight;
link_ptr->to->value_b += message_weight;
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->to->Out.output * scaled_error;
/* adjust bias value */
if (!is_special)
unit_ptr->bias += scaled_error;
return (sum_error); /* return the error of the network */
PURPOSE : main function for backpercolation
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Input Parameters: 1 : learning parameter
2 : delta max
Output Parameters: 1 : error of the network (sum of all cycles)
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err LEARN_perc(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1]; /* OutParameter[0] stores the
learning error */
int i, ret_code, pattern_no, sub_pat_no;
float p_error, l_error;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
if (NoOfInParams < 1) /* have to be changed (must be 2) */
return (KRERR_PARAMETERS); /* Not enough input parameters */
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* One return value is available (the
learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set the output parameter reference */
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGICAL_FF)) {
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* check the topology of the network */
ret_code = kr_topoCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code); /* an error has occured */
if (ret_code < 2)
return (KRERR_FEW_LAYERS); /* the network has less then 2 layers */
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
ret_code = kr_IOCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* sort units by topology and by topologic type */
ret_code = kr_topoSort(TOPOLOGICAL_FF);
if ((ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) && (ret_code != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (ret_code);
NetModified = FALSE;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged) { /* Net has been modified or
initialized, initialize
backprop now */
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
parameterInArray[4] = 1.0;
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0; /* reset network error value */
p_error = 0.0;
propagateNetForward_perc(pattern_no,sub_pat_no); /* Forward pass */
/* Backward propagation */
/* 1st parameter is the learning parameter 2nd parameter is the max.
devitation between output pattern and the output of the output
unit (delta max) */
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) +=
LEARN_PARAM3(parameterInArray), &p_error);
p_error = p_error / (kr_TotalNoOfSubPatPairs()* NoOfOutputUnits);
if (p_error < LEARN_PARAM2(parameterInArray)) {
p_error = (parameterInArray[4] + p_error) / 2;
l_error = exp((parameterInArray[4] - p_error) /
(parameterInArray[4] + p_error));
if (l_error <= 0.5)
l_error = 0.5;
else if (l_error >= 1.05)
l_error = 1.05;
parameterInArray[0] = parameterInArray[0] * l_error;
parameterInArray[4] = p_error;
return (ret_code);
GROUP : Radial Basis Functions Learning
AUTHOR : Michael Vogt
Notes : Use of special entries in links and units with RBFs:
for Units in hidden layer:
Unit value_a: |X - L|^2 == norm^2 == square of euclidean distance
between all links and all input units to this unit.
Unit value_b: delta_BIAS == sum of all deltas to BIAS during learning
Unit value_c: Backpropagated weighted sum of errors in output layer
for Units in output layer:
Unit value_a: error (y_learn - y_net) during learning current pattern
Unit value_b: delta_BIAS == sum of all deltas to BIAS during learning
for links between input and hidden layer:
Link value_b: delta for this link during learning (link treated as
Link value_a: Momentum term for this link (last change)
for links between hidden and output layer:
Link value_b: delta for weight of this link during learning.
Link value_a: Momentum term for this link (last change)
for links between input and output layer:
Link value_b: delta for weight of this link during learning.
Link value_a: Momentum term for this link (last change)
DATE : 01.04.1992
LAST CHANGE : 06.11.1993
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
FUNCTION : RbfLearnClean
PURPOSE : Clean all deltas, so that learning can start.
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Called every time LEARN_RBF is called to be sure that there is
no stuff inside the value_b fields of links and units
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err RbfLearnClean(void)
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
FOR_ALL_UNITS(unit_ptr) {
unit_ptr->value_b = 0.0;
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
link_ptr->value_b = 0.0;
FUNCTION : RbfLearnForward
PURPOSE : Forward propagation of current pattern. Calculation of different
value_a fields. value_c of hidden units is set to 0.0
RETURNS : kernel error code
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err RbfLearnForward(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no)
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register Patterns current_in_pattern;
register Patterns current_out_pattern;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
/* calculate index of current input pattern in Pattern array: */
current_in_pattern = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,INPUT,NULL);
/* activate input units with current patterns and calculate */
/* their output value: */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
while ((unit_ptr = *(++topo_ptr)) != NULL) {
/* go through all input units, set activation and calculate */
/* output: */
unit_ptr->act = *current_in_pattern++;
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY
? unit_ptr->act
: (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act);
/* activate hidden units, by calling the activation function */
/* (has to be a RBF activation function which places norm ^ 2 */
/* into value_a of the unit: see trans_f.c: RbfUnitGetNormsqr). */
/* The output function is supposed to be OUT_IDENTITY ! */
/* (so the output function is never called !) */
while ((unit_ptr = *(++topo_ptr)) != NULL) {
unit_ptr->act = unit_ptr->Out.output =
(*unit_ptr->act_func) (unit_ptr);
unit_ptr->value_c = 0.0;
/* activate output units. Again, the output function is supposed */
/* to be OUT_IDENTITY. The calculated output is compared to the */
/* current pattern, the error (difference) is calculated and */
/* stored in value_a of the current output unit. */
current_out_pattern = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,OUTPUT,NULL);
while ((unit_ptr = *(++topo_ptr)) != NULL) {
unit_ptr->act = unit_ptr->Out.output =
(*unit_ptr->act_func) (unit_ptr);
unit_ptr->value_a = *current_out_pattern++ - unit_ptr->act;
#define RBF_LEARN_CENTER 0x1
#define RBF_LEARN_BIAS 0x2
#define RBF_LEARN_WEIGHT 0x4
#define RBF_LEARN_PAIN 0x8
FUNCTION : RbfLearnAdjustDelta
PURPOSE : Adjusting of all deltas (value_b fields) by using the current
input pattern (activation of input units) and the stored error
of the output units (value_a). value_c of hidden units is used
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
float RbfLearnAdjustDelta(float para_center, float para_bias,
float para_weight, float para_pain,
float para_momentum, float para_delta_max,
int learn_mask)
register struct Unit *curr_unit; /* current unit */
register struct Link *curr_link; /* current link */
register struct Unit *source_unit; /* input unit to link */
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
register float center_delta; /* delta of centers */
register float w_error; /* weighted error of */
/* output unit */
register float w2_error; /* w_error for special u.*/
register float learn_error;
/* start with last unit in output layer: */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + no_of_topo_units + 3;
learn_error = 0.0;
/* work on the output layer and all links leading to it: */
while ((curr_unit = *(--topo_ptr)) != NULL) {
/* go on with next unit if |error| <= delta_max */
if ((float) fabs(curr_unit->value_a) <= para_delta_max)
/* error, weighted by the deviation of the activation: */
w2_error = w_error = (curr_unit->value_a) *
(*curr_unit->act_deriv_func) (curr_unit);
/* sum up the learning error: */
learn_error += (curr_unit->value_a) * (curr_unit->value_a);
if (learn_mask & RBF_LEARN_WEIGHT) {
/* sum up all deltas for change of bias: */
if (IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(curr_unit)
w_error = 0.0;
curr_unit->bias += para_weight * w_error;
curr_unit->value_b += w_error;
if (learn_mask) {
FOR_ALL_LINKS(curr_unit, curr_link) {
source_unit = curr_link->to;
/* sum up deltas for change of link weight: */
curr_link->weight += para_weight * w_error *
curr_link->value_b += w_error * source_unit->Out.output;
/* if comming from hidden unit: sum up delta for change */
/* of bias of hidden unit: */
if (IS_HIDDEN_UNIT(source_unit))
source_unit->value_c += w2_error * curr_link->weight;
/* work on the hidden layer and all links leading to it: */
if (learn_mask & (RBF_LEARN_CENTER | RBF_LEARN_BIAS)) {
while ((curr_unit = *(--topo_ptr)) != NULL) {
/* now calculate delta for weights of links (centers of the */
/* RBF function) */
curr_unit->Aux.int_no = 2; /* derivated to norm ^2 */
center_delta = curr_unit->value_c *
(*curr_unit->act_deriv_func) (curr_unit);
if (learn_mask & RBF_LEARN_CENTER) {
if (IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(curr_unit))
center_delta = 0.0;
FOR_ALL_LINKS(curr_unit, curr_link) {
curr_link->weight += para_center * center_delta *
((curr_link->to->Out.output) - (curr_link->weight));
curr_link->value_b += center_delta *
((curr_link->to->Out.output) - (curr_link->weight));
/* calculate delta for bias (parameter of RBF function): */
curr_unit->Aux.int_no = 3; /* derivation to bias! */
if (!IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(curr_unit))
curr_unit->bias += para_bias * curr_unit->value_c *
(*curr_unit->act_deriv_func) (curr_unit);
curr_unit->value_b += curr_unit->value_c *
(*curr_unit->act_deriv_func) (curr_unit);
return learn_error;
FUNCTION : RbfLearnAdjustWeights
PURPOSE : Adjusting of all learnable parameters, depending on collected
deltas and on actual learning parameters.
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
void RbfLearnAdjustWeights(float para_center, float para_bias,
float para_weight, float para_momentum)
register struct Unit *curr_unit; /* current unit */
register struct Link *curr_link; /* current link */
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
static int step = 0; /* current learning step */
char filename[20]; /* Name of prot file */
FILE *protfile; /* filepointer */
sprintf(filename, "rbf_%04d.prot", step);
protfile = fopen(filename, "w");
if (protfile == NULL)
fprintf(stderr, "RbfLearnAdjustWeights: Can't open protfile\n");
/* start with last unit in output layer: */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + no_of_topo_units + 3;
fprintf(protfile, "%s\t\t\n", "h -> o");
while ((curr_unit = *(--topo_ptr)) != NULL) {
if (!IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(curr_unit)) {
/* adjust bias of output unit: */
curr_unit->bias += para_weight * (curr_unit->value_b);
fprintf(protfile, "%13s:\t\n", curr_unit->unit_name);
/* adjust weights of links leading to this unit: */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(curr_unit, curr_link) {
fprintf(protfile, "%-10.2e\t\n",
para_weight * (curr_link->value_b));
curr_link->weight +=
(curr_link->value_a = para_weight * (curr_link->value_b)
+ para_momentum * curr_link->value_a);
/* now adjust weights of hidden layer: */
fprintf(protfile, "%s\t\t\n", "i -> h");
while ((curr_unit = *(--topo_ptr)) != NULL) {
if (!IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(curr_unit)) {
/* adjust bias of hidden unit (parameter of RBF function): */
curr_unit->bias += para_bias * (curr_unit->value_b);
if (curr_unit->bias <= 0.0)
fprintf(stderr, "Hidden unit bias %f !\n", curr_unit->bias);
fprintf(protfile, "%13s:\t\n", curr_unit->unit_name);
/* adjust weights of links (centers of RBF functions): */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(curr_unit, curr_link) {
fprintf(protfile, "%-10.2e\t\n",
para_center * (curr_link->value_b));
curr_link->weight +=
(curr_link->value_a = para_center * (curr_link->value_b)
+ para_momentum * curr_link->value_a);
FUNCTION : RbfTopoCheck
PURPOSE : Topological Check for Radial Basis Functions.
Also the number of output units is compared to the patterns.
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err RbfTopoCheck(void)
krui_err ret_code; /* error return code */
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't */
/* initialized. check the topology of the network. */
ret_code = kr_topoCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code); /* an error has occured */
if (ret_code < 2)
return (KRERR_NET_DEPTH); /* the network has less */
/* then 2 layers */
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
ret_code = kr_IOCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* sort units by topology and by topologic type */
ret_code = kr_topoSort(TOPOLOGICAL_FF);
return ret_code;
PURPOSE : Learning function for RBF (GRBF) called from kernel.
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Use of Learning Parameters:
LEARN_PARAM1: learning parameter for adjusting centers (links
between input and hidden layer, treated as vectors)
LEARN_PARAM2: learning parameter for adjusting RBF-parameter
(BIAS of units in hidden layer)
LEARN_PARAM3: learning parameter for adjusting weights (all links
to output layer + bias of output units)
LEARN_PARAM4: maximum difference between output value and teaching
input which is treated as error 0.0 (delta_max)
LEARN_PARAM5: factor for momentum term
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err LEARN_RBF(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1]; /* OutParameter[0] stores */
/* the learning error */
int i, ret_code, pattern_no, sub_pat_no, learn_mask;
float para_bias, para_center, para_weight, para_pain,
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
static int schritt = 1;
int fehler_zaehler = 0;
float temp_fehler;
FILE *protfile;
if (NoOfUnits == 0)
return (KRERR_NO_UNITS);/* No Units defined */
if (NoOfInParams < 1) /* has to be changed (must be 4) */
return (KRERR_PARAMETERS); /* Not enough input parameters */
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* One return value is available */
/* (the learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set the reference to */
/* the output parameter */
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* default return code */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGICAL_FF)) {
ret_code = RbfTopoCheck();
if ((ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) && (ret_code != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (ret_code);
NetModified = FALSE;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged) {
fprintf(stderr, "Initialization RBF_Weights should be called!\n");
/* initialize fields for momentum term */
FOR_ALL_UNITS(unit_ptr) {
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
link_ptr->value_a = 0.0;
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0;
para_center = -LEARN_PARAM1(parameterInArray);
para_bias = LEARN_PARAM2(parameterInArray);
para_weight = LEARN_PARAM3(parameterInArray);
para_momentum = LEARN_PARAM5(parameterInArray);
para_delta_max = LEARN_PARAM4(parameterInArray);
para_pain = 0.0; /* not used now */
/* set learn mask in condition of the learning parameters: */
learn_mask = 0;
if (para_center != 0.0)
learn_mask |= RBF_LEARN_CENTER;
if (para_bias != 0.0)
learn_mask |= RBF_LEARN_BIAS;
if (para_weight != 0.0)
learn_mask |= RBF_LEARN_WEIGHT;
if (para_pain != 0.0)
learn_mask |= RBF_LEARN_PAIN;
ret_code = RbfLearnClean();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return ret_code;
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
RbfLearnForward(pattern_no,sub_pat_no); /* forward propagation */
/* backward propagation */
temp_fehler = RbfLearnAdjustDelta(para_center,
para_bias, para_weight, para_pain, para_momentum,
para_delta_max, learn_mask);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) += temp_fehler;
if (temp_fehler > 0.0)
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) += RbfLearnAdjustDelta(para_center,
para_bias, para_weight, para_pain, para_momentum,
para_delta_max, learn_mask);
RbfLearnAdjustWeights(para_center, para_bias, para_weight,
protfile = fopen("rbf_learn_prot_file", "a");
if (schritt == 1) {
fprintf(protfile, "# Neues Lernprotokoll: \n");
fprintf(protfile, "%d %f %d\n", schritt, NET_ERROR(OutParameter),
return (ret_code);
GROUP : RPROP learning function
AUTHOR : Martin Riedmiller, ILKD, University of Karlsruhe
Notes : RPROP parameters are the initial update value (default 0.1)
and the maximal update value (default 50.0). The defaults
are assumed if the parameters are set to 0.0. It may be
helpfull to limit the second paream to 0.01.
DATE : 01.04.1992
LAST CHANGE : 06.11.1993
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
#define RPROP_ETAPLUS 1.2
#define RPROP_ETAMINUS 0.5
#define RPROP_MINEPS 1e-6
#define RPROP_MAXEPS 50.0
FUNCTION : initializeRprop
PURPOSE : Rprop initialisation:
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : ->value_c : Sum (dEdw)
->value_b : dw(t-1)
->value_a : update_value
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err initializeRprop(float update_val)
/* initial update_value */
register unsigned short flags;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
FOR_ALL_UNITS(unit_ptr) {
flags = unit_ptr->flags;
if ((flags & UFLAG_IN_USE) == UFLAG_IN_USE) { /* unit is in use */
unit_ptr->value_b = unit_ptr->value_c = (FlintType) 0;
unit_ptr->value_a = (FlintType) update_val;
if (flags & UFLAG_SITES) { /* unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
link_ptr->value_b = link_ptr->value_c = (FlintType) 0;
link_ptr->value_a = (FlintType) update_val;
} else { /* unit has no sites */
if (flags & UFLAG_DLINKS) { /* unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
link_ptr->value_b = link_ptr->value_c = (FlintType) 0;
link_ptr->value_a = (FlintType) update_val;
return (KRERR_NO_ERROR);
FUNCTION : propagateNetBackwardRprop
PURPOSE : Pure Backpropagation of gradient without weight-update
RETURNS : network error
NOTES : sum(dE/dw) -> value_c.
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static float propagateNetBackwardRprop(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no)
/* number of actual pattern */
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register Patterns out_pat;
register float error, /* error */
sum_error, /* sum of the error */
devit; /* deviation */
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
int size;
sum_error = 0.0; /* reset network error */
/* calculate address of the output pattern (with number pattern_no + 1) */
out_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,OUTPUT,&size);
out_pat += size;
/* add 3 to no_of_topo_units because the topologic array contains 4 NULL
pointers */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + (no_of_topo_units + 3);
/* calculate output units only */
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL) {
devit = *(--out_pat) - unit_ptr->Out.output;
/* = o * (1.0 - o) in [0.0,0.25], */
/* for asymmetric logistic function */
sum_error += devit * devit; /* sum up the error of the network */
/* calc. error for output units */
error = devit * ((unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr));
unit_ptr->value_c += -error /* * 1 */ ; /* calculate the bias slopes */
/* learn bias like a weight */
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) { /* the unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) { /* calculate the slopes */
link_ptr->value_c += -error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
} else { /* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
/* calculate the value_cs */
link_ptr->value_c += -error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
/* calculate hidden units only */
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL) {
error = ((unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr)) *
unit_ptr->value_c += -error /* * 1 */ ; /* calculate the bias slopes */
/* learn bias like a weight */
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) { /* the unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) { /* calculate the slopes */
if (link_ptr->to->flags & UFLAG_TTYP_HIDD)
/* this link points to a hidden unit: sum up the error's
from previos units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_c += -error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
} else { /* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
/* calculate the slopes */
if (link_ptr->to->flags & UFLAG_TTYP_HIDD)
/* this link points to a hidden unit: sum up the error's
from previos units */
link_ptr->to->Aux.flint_no += link_ptr->weight * error;
link_ptr->value_c += -error * link_ptr->to->Out.output;
/* sum_error *= 0.5; */
return (sum_error); /* return the error of the network */
PURPOSE : modifies network after each epoch
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static void MODI_rprop(float maxeps)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
bool hidden_units;
float direction;
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + (NoOfInputUnits + 1);
hidden_units = TRUE;
/* calculate hidden and output units only */
do {
if ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) == NULL) {
if (!hidden_units)
break; /* end of topologic pointer array reached */
unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr; /* skip NULL pointer */
hidden_units = FALSE;
if (IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(unit_ptr)) { /* Do not change weights */
unit_ptr->value_c = 0.0; /* reset */
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) {/*the unit has direct links*/
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
link_ptr->value_c = 0.0; /* reset */
} else { /* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
link_ptr->value_c = 0.0; /* reset */
continue; /* next unit */
direction = unit_ptr->value_b * unit_ptr->value_c;
if (direction < 0.0) { /* same direction : dw * dEdw < 0 */
unit_ptr->value_a *= RPROP_ETAPLUS; /* adapt update_value */
if (unit_ptr->value_a > maxeps)
unit_ptr->value_a = maxeps;
if (unit_ptr->value_c < 0.0)
unit_ptr->value_b = unit_ptr->value_a;
unit_ptr->value_b = -(unit_ptr->value_a);
} else if (direction > 0.0) { /* direction changed */
unit_ptr->bias -= unit_ptr->value_b; /* revert previous step */
unit_ptr->value_b = 0; /* reset for restarting adaptation in
next step */
unit_ptr->value_a *= RPROP_ETAMINUS; /* adapt update_value */
if (unit_ptr->value_a < RPROP_MINEPS)
unit_ptr->value_a = RPROP_MINEPS;
} else {
/* start of RPROP learning process */
if (unit_ptr->value_c < 0.0)
unit_ptr->value_b = unit_ptr->value_a;
else if (unit_ptr->value_c > 0.0)
unit_ptr->value_b = -(unit_ptr->value_a);
/* else no action if derivative was zero */
unit_ptr->bias += unit_ptr->value_b; /* compute new bias */
unit_ptr->value_c = 0.0;/* reset */
/* adjust links */
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) { /* the unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
direction = link_ptr->value_b * link_ptr->value_c;
if (direction < 0.0) { /* same direction : dw * dEdw < 0 */
link_ptr->value_a *= RPROP_ETAPLUS; /* adapt update_value */
if (link_ptr->value_a > maxeps)
link_ptr->value_a = maxeps;
if (link_ptr->value_c < 0.0)
link_ptr->value_b = link_ptr->value_a;
link_ptr->value_b = -(link_ptr->value_a);
} else if (direction > 0.0) { /* direction changed */
link_ptr->weight -= link_ptr->value_b; /* revert previous
step */
link_ptr->value_b = 0; /* reset for restarting
adaptation in next step */
link_ptr->value_a *= RPROP_ETAMINUS;/* adapt update_value */
if (link_ptr->value_a < RPROP_MINEPS)
link_ptr->value_a = RPROP_MINEPS;
} else {
/* start of RPROP learning process */
if (link_ptr->value_c < 0.0)
link_ptr->value_b = link_ptr->value_a;
else if (link_ptr->value_c > 0.0)
link_ptr->value_b = -(link_ptr->value_a);
/* else no action if derivative was zero */
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->value_b; /* compute new bias */
link_ptr->value_c = 0.0; /* reset */
} else { /* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr) {
if (direction < 0.0) { /* same direction : dw * dEdw <! 0 */
link_ptr->value_a *= RPROP_ETAPLUS; /* adapt update_value */
if (link_ptr->value_a > maxeps)
link_ptr->value_a = maxeps;
if (link_ptr->value_c < 0.0)
link_ptr->value_b = link_ptr->value_a;
link_ptr->value_b = -(link_ptr->value_a);
} else if (direction > 0.0) { /* direction changed */
link_ptr->weight -= link_ptr->value_b; /* revert previous
step */
link_ptr->value_b = 0; /* reset for restarting
adaptation in next step */
link_ptr->value_a *= RPROP_ETAMINUS;/* adapt update_value */
if (link_ptr->value_a < RPROP_MINEPS)
link_ptr->value_a = RPROP_MINEPS;
} else {
/* start of RPROP learning process */
if (link_ptr->value_c < 0.0)
link_ptr->value_b = link_ptr->value_a;
else if (link_ptr->value_c > 0.0)
link_ptr->value_b = -(link_ptr->value_a);
/* else no action if derivative was zero */
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->value_b; /* compute new bias */
link_ptr->value_c = 0.0; /* reset */
} /* for units */
while (TRUE);
PURPOSE : RPROP learning function
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Input Parameters: 1 : initial update value
2 : maxeps;
3 : blocksize; (learning by block)
Output Parameters: 1 : error of the network (sum of all cycles)
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err LEARN_rprop(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1]; /* OutParameter[0] stores the */
/* learning error */
int i, pattern_no, sub_pat_no, ret_code, blocksize;
float maxeps, update_value;
if (NoOfUnits == 0)
return (KRERR_NO_UNITS);/* No Units defined */
if (NoOfInParams < 3)
return (KRERR_PARAMETERS); /* not enough input parameters */
if ((update_value = LEARN_PARAM1(parameterInArray)) == 0.0)
if ((maxeps = LEARN_PARAM2(parameterInArray)) == 0.0)
maxeps = RPROP_MAXEPS;
if (update_value > maxeps)
update_value = maxeps;
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* one return value */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set output parameter reference */
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGICAL_FF)) {
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* check the topology of the network */
ret_code = kr_topoCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code); /* an error has occured */
if (ret_code < 2)
return (KRERR_NET_DEPTH); /* the network has less then 2 layers */
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
ret_code = kr_IOCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* sort units by topology and by topologic type */
ret_code = kr_topoSort(TOPOLOGICAL_FF);
if ((ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) && (ret_code != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (ret_code);
NetModified = FALSE;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged) { /* Net has been modified or
initialized, initialize
ret_code = initializeRprop(update_value);
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
if ((blocksize = LEARN_PARAM3(parameterInArray)) == 0)
blocksize = end_pattern;
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,blocksize);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0; /* reset network error value */
propagateNetForward(pattern_no,sub_pat_no); /* forward propagation */
/* backward propagation and summation of gradient */
+= propagateNetBackwardRprop(pattern_no,sub_pat_no);
/* modificate links and bias */
return (ret_code);
GROUP : ART 1 learning function
AUTHOR : Kai-Uwe Herrmann
DATE : 01.08.1992
LAST CHANGE : 06.11.1993
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
PURPOSE : ART 1 learning function.
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : 1 input-parameter : 1. vigilance parameter RHO
output-parameters : numbers of classified patterns,
separator -1,
numbers of not classifiable patterns
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err LEARN_ART1(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float parameterInArray[], int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
krui_err ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
int pattern_no, sub_pat_no; /* Contains actual */
/* pattern number */
int start, end;
int i,n;
struct Unit *winner_ptr; /* recognition unit which is the winner of
w.t.a */
TopoPtrArray topo_layer[6]; /* topo_layer[0] : *first input unit
topo_layer[1] : *first comp. unit
topo_layer[2] : *first rec. unit
topo_layer[3] : *first delay unit
topo_layer[4] : *first local reset
unit topo_layer[5] : *first
special unit (classified_unit) */
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
FlintType beta;
float rho;
/* Check number of incoming parameters */
if (NoOfInParams < 1) {
return (ret_code);
} /* if */
/* rho is the vigilance parameter */
rho = parameterInArray[0];
/* Check interval for vigilance parameter and constant value L */
if ((rho < 0.0) || (rho > 1.0)) {
return (ret_code);
} /* if */
/* Check if network has been modified or learning func has been changed */
if (NetModified || LearnFuncHasChanged || (TopoSortID != ART1_TOPO_TYPE)) {
(void) kr_topoSort(ART1_TOPO_TYPE);
ret_code = KernelErrorCode;
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
NetModified = TRUE;
return (ret_code);
} /* if */
NetModified = FALSE;
LearnFuncHasChanged = FALSE;
} /* if */
/* set initial activation values */
ret_code = kra1_init_i_act(rho);
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
return (ret_code);
} /* if */
/* beta is another learning parameter of the network which is determined
when initializing the network. It is there written to the bias field
of the structure of each unit. Now we will read this value. */
beta = (unit_array + 1)->bias;
if (beta <= 0.0) {
topo_msg.error_code = KRERR_PARAM_BETA;
topo_msg.src_error_unit = 0;
topo_msg.dest_error_unit = 1;
return (topo_msg.error_code);
} /* if */
/* # of output parameters is 0 */
*NoOfOutParams = 0;
*parameterOutArray = NULL;
/* get pointers to first elements of each layer in topo_ptr_array */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + 1;
for (i = 0; i <= 5; i++) {
topo_layer[i] = topo_ptr;
do {
} while (*topo_ptr++ != NULL);
} /* for */
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
/* Search phase */
start = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(start_pattern);
end = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(end_pattern);
end += kr_NoOfSubPatPairs(end_pattern) - 1;
for(n=start; n<=end; n++){
/* initialize the unit activations of the whole net */
ret_code = krart_reset_activations();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
return (ret_code);
} /* if */
/* put pattern into input units */
ret_code = put_ART1_in_pattern(pattern_no, sub_pat_no, topo_layer[0]);
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
return (ret_code);
} /* if */
/* repeat synchronous propagation and look for winner until pattern
is classified or network tells us, that pattern is not
classifiable */
do {
/* 1 propagation step (all units push their information onto
their output and calculate their new activation. */
/* look for the recognition unit with the highest activation
returns a NULL pointer if all recognition units have
activation 0.0 */
winner_ptr = krart_get_winner(topo_layer[2], 1.0);
/* training phase */
/* Train network i.e. adjust weights between comparison layer and
winner_unit and vice versa */
ret_code = adjust_ART1_weights(beta, topo_layer[1],
topo_layer[3], winner_ptr);
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
}/* if */
}/* for */
return (ret_code);
}/* LEARN_ART1 */
FUNCTION : put_ART1_in_pattern
PURPOSE : pushes a new pattern into the input units of the network
RETURNS : kernel error code
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err put_ART1_in_pattern(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no,
TopoPtrArray topo_inp_ptr)
int ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
register Patterns in_pat;
struct Unit *unit_ptr;
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr = topo_inp_ptr;
/* calculate startadress of actual pattern */
in_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,INPUT,NULL);
while ((unit_ptr = *topo_ptr++) != NULL) {
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY) {
unit_ptr->act = unit_ptr->Out.output = *in_pat++;
} else {
unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++;
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act);
}/* if */
}/* while */
return (ret_code);
}/* put_ART1_in_pattern */
FUNCTION : adjust_ART1_weights
PURPOSE : training function for ART1 networks
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Parameters:
beta constant value beta > 0.0
comp_ptr points to pointer to first comparison unit
delay_ptr points to pointer to first unit in the delay layer.
The t(j,i) links are not between recognition layer
and comparison layer but between the respective
delay unit of the recogniton unit and the comparison
layer. So first we have to look for the corresponding
delay unit of the winning unit before training these
winner_ptr points to winning unit of the recognition layer.
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err adjust_ART1_weights(double beta, TopoPtrArray comp_ptr,
TopoPtrArray delay_ptr,
struct Unit * winner_ptr)
krui_err ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr = NULL;
struct Unit *unit_ptr_comp = NULL, *unit_ptr_delay = NULL;
struct Link *link_ptr = NULL;
bool found_delay_unit = FALSE;
FlintType sum_ck = 0.0;
/* get corresponding unit of the winning unit in the delay layer */
topo_ptr = delay_ptr;
while ((!found_delay_unit) && (*topo_ptr != NULL)) {
unit_ptr_delay = *topo_ptr++;
if (((struct Link *) unit_ptr_delay->sites)->to == winner_ptr) {
found_delay_unit = TRUE;
}/* if */
}/* while */
if (!found_delay_unit) {
/* There was no delay unit found corresponding to the winning
recognition unit */
ret_code = KRERR_TOPOLOGY;
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
/* Adjust weights between winning unit (delay-layer) and comparison layer
(t(j,i) link values)
t(j,i) = c(i) where j is the number of the winning neuron in the delay
layer and i ist the number of a comparison unit. */
topo_ptr = comp_ptr;
while ((unit_ptr_comp = *topo_ptr++) != NULL) {
sum_ck += unit_ptr_comp->act; /* sum up activatons of comparison
layer. sum_ck is needed for b(i,j) */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr_comp, link_ptr) {
if (link_ptr->to == unit_ptr_delay) {
link_ptr->weight = ART1_ADJUST_LINK_DEL_CMP(unit_ptr_comp);
}/* if */
}/* while */
/* Adjust weights between comparison layer and winning unit (recognition
layer) (b(i,j) link values)
b(i,j) = c(i) / (beta + sum(k)(c(k)))
where j is the number of the winning neuron in the recognition layer, i
ist the number of a comparison unit and k runs over all comparison
units. (sum(k)(c(k))) = sum_ck.
FOR_ALL_LINKS(winner_ptr, link_ptr) {
if (link_ptr->to->lln == ART1_CMP_LAY) {
link_ptr->weight = (FlintType)ART1_ADJUST_LINK_CMP_REC(link_ptr->to,
}/* if */
return (ret_code);
}/* adjust_ART1_weights () */
GROUP : ART2 learning function
AUTHOR : Kai-Uwe Herrmann
DATE : 01.08.1992
LAST CHANGE : 06.11.1993
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
PURPOSE : ART2 learning function.
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Parameters:
6 input-parameter : 1. vigilance parameter RHO
2. Parameter a
3. Parameter b
4. Parameter c
5. Parameter e
6. Parameter THETA
output-parameters : none
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err LEARN_ART2(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float parameterInArray[], int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
krui_err ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
int pattern_no, sub_pat_no; /* Contains actual pattern number */
int i,n;
int start, end;
struct Unit *winner_ptr; /* recognition unit which is the winner of
w.t.a */
TopoPtrArray topo_layer[12]; /* topo_layer[0] : *first input unit
topo_layer[1] : *first w unit
topo_layer[2] : *first x unit
topo_layer[3] : *first u unit
topo_layer[4] : *first v unit
topo_layer[5] : *first p unit
topo_layer[6] : *first q unit
topo_layer[7] : *first r unit
topo_layer[8] : *first rec. unit
topo_layer[10] : *first local
reset unit */
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
FlintType rho, param_a, param_b, param_c, param_d, theta;
/* Check number of incoming parameters */
if (NoOfInParams < 5) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
rho = parameterInArray[0];
param_a = parameterInArray[1];
param_b = parameterInArray[2];
param_c = parameterInArray[3];
theta = parameterInArray[4];
/* Check if network has been modified or learning func has been changed */
if (NetModified || LearnFuncHasChanged || (TopoSortID != ART2_TOPO_TYPE)) {
(void) kr_topoSort(ART2_TOPO_TYPE);
ret_code = KernelErrorCode;
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
NetModified = TRUE;
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
NetModified = FALSE;
LearnFuncHasChanged = FALSE;
}/* if */
/* Read out value of parameter d from bias field of any unit. The value
has been written into the bias field by the init-function */
param_d = (*(topo_ptr_array + 1))->bias;
/* Check values of the parameters */
if ((rho < 0.0) || (rho > 1.0) ||
(param_a <= 0.0) || (param_b <= 0.0) ||
((param_c * param_d) / (1 - param_d) > 1.0) ||
(theta < 0.0) || (theta > 1.0)
) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
ret_code = kra2_set_params(rho, param_a, param_b, param_c, param_d, theta);
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
ret_code = kra2_init_propagate();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
/* get pointers to first elements of each layer in topo_ptr_array */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + 1;
for (i = 0; i <= 9; i++) {
topo_layer[i] = topo_ptr;
do {
} while (*topo_ptr++ != NULL);
}/* for */
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
/* Search phase */
start = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(start_pattern);
end = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(end_pattern);
end += kr_NoOfSubPatPairs(end_pattern) - 1;
for(n=start; n<=end; n++){
/* initialize the unit activations of the whole net */
ret_code = krart_reset_activations();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
/* put pattern into input units */
ret_code = put_ART2_in_pattern(pattern_no, sub_pat_no,
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
/* initialize of ART2 Simulator for new pattern */
/* repeat synchronous propagation and look for winner until pattern
is classified or network tells us, that pattern is not
classifiable */
do {
/* compute vector norms */
/* save old activation values of f1-units */
/* 1 propagation step (all units push their information onto
their output and calculate their new activation. */
/* look for the recognition unit with the highest activation
returns a NULL pointer if all recognition units have
activation 0.0 */
winner_ptr = krart_get_winner(topo_layer[ART2_REC_LAY-1], param_d);
/* Check if F1-Layer is stable */
/* Check Reset */
/* training phase */
/* Train network i.e. adjust weights between comparison layer and
winner_unit and vice versa */
ret_code = adjust_ART2_weights(param_d, topo_layer[ART2_P_LAY - 1],
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
}/* if */
}/* for */
return (ret_code);
}/* LEARN_ART2 */
FUNCTION : krui_err put_ART2_in_pattern
PURPOSE : pushes a new pattern into the input units of the network
RETURNS : kernel error code
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err put_ART2_in_pattern(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no,
TopoPtrArray topo_inp_ptr)
int ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
register Patterns in_pat;
struct Unit *unit_ptr;
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr = topo_inp_ptr;
/* calculate startadress of actual pattern */
in_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,INPUT,NULL);
while ((unit_ptr = *topo_ptr++) != NULL) {
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY) {
unit_ptr->act = unit_ptr->Out.output = *in_pat++;
} else {
unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++;
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act);
}/* if */
}/* while */
return (ret_code);
}/* put_ART2_in_pattern */
FUNCTION : adjust_ART2_weights
PURPOSE : training function for ART2 networks
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Parameters:
param_d constant value 0 < param_d < 1
p_ptr points to pointer to first comparison unit
delay_ptr points to pointer to first unit in the delay layer.
The z(j,i) links are not between recognition layer
and comparison layer but between the respective delay
unit of the recogniton unit and the comparison layer.
So first we have to look for the corresponding delay
unit of the winning unit before training these weights.
winner_ptr points to winning unit of the recognition layer.
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err adjust_ART2_weights(double param_d, TopoPtrArray p_ptr,
struct Unit * winner_ptr)
krui_err ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr = NULL;
struct Unit *unit_ptr_p = NULL;
struct Link *link_ptr = NULL, *link_ptr_u = NULL;
/* Adjust weights between winning unit and p layer (z(J,i) link values)
(d/dt) z(J,i) = z(J,i) + d * (1-d) * [ u(i)/(1-d) - z(J,i) ]
for (d/dt) -> 0: z(J,i) = u(i)/(1-d)
topo_ptr = p_ptr;
while ((unit_ptr_p = *topo_ptr++) != NULL) {
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr_p, link_ptr) {
if (link_ptr->to == winner_ptr) {
/* lookin' for corresponding u unit */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr_p, link_ptr_u) {
if (link_ptr_u->to->lln == ART2_U_LAY) {
link_ptr->weight =
ART2_ADJUST_LINK_REC_P(link_ptr_u->to, param_d);
}/* if */
}/* if */
}/* while */
/* Adjust weights between p layer and winning unit (recognition layer)
(z(i,j) link values)
(d/dt) z(i,J) = d * (1-d) * [ u(i)/(1-d) - z(i,J) ]
where J is the number of the winning neuron in the recognition layer, i
ist the number of a p unit
for (d/dt) -> 0: z(i,J) = u(i)/(1-d)
FOR_ALL_LINKS(winner_ptr, link_ptr) {
if (link_ptr->to->lln == ART2_P_LAY) {
/* lookin' for corresponding u unit */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(link_ptr->to, link_ptr_u) {
if (link_ptr_u->to->lln == ART2_U_LAY) {
link_ptr->weight =
ART2_ADJUST_LINK_P_REC(link_ptr_u->to, param_d);
}/* if */
}/* if */
return (ret_code);
}/* adjust_ART2_weights () */
GROUP : ARTMAP learning function
AUTHOR : Kai-Uwe Herrmann
DATE : 01.08.1992
LAST CHANGE : 06.11.1993
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
PURPOSE : ARTMAP learning function.
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Parameters:
3 input-parameter : 1. vigilance parameter RHOa
2. vigilance parameter RHOb
3. vigilance parameter RHO
output-parameters : none
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err LEARN_ARTMAP(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float parameterInArray[], int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
krui_err ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
int pattern_no, sub_pat_no; /* Contains actual pattern number */
int i,n;
struct Unit *winner_ptr_a; /* recognition unit which is the
winner of w.t.a ARTa */
struct Unit *winner_ptr_b; /* recognition unit which is the
winner of w.t.a ARTb */
struct Unit *unit_ptr;
TopoPtrArray topo_layer[14]; /* topo_layer[0] : *first input unit
ARTa topo_layer[1] : *first comp.
unit ARTa topo_layer[2] : *first
rec. unit ARTa topo_layer[3] :
*first delay unit ARTa
topo_layer[4] : *first local reset
unit ARTa topo_layer[5] : *first
special unit ARTa
(classified_unit) topo_layer[6] :
*first input unit ARTb
topo_layer[7] : *first comp. unit
ARTb topo_layer[8] : *first rec.
unit ARTb topo_layer[9] : *first
delay unit ARTb topo_layer[10]:
*first local reset unit ARTb
topo_layer[11]: *first special
unit ARTb (classified_unit)
topo_layer[12]: *first map unit
topo_layer[13]: *first special map
unit */
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
FlintType beta_a;
FlintType beta_b;
float rho_a;
float rho_b;
float rho;
int start, end;
/* Check number of incoming parameters */
if (NoOfInParams < 3) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
/* rho is the vigilance parameter */
rho_a = parameterInArray[0];
rho_b = parameterInArray[1];
rho = parameterInArray[2];
/* Check interval in which vigilance parameter and constant value L have
to be */
if ((rho_a < 0.0) || (rho_a > 1.0) || (rho_b < 0.0) ||
(rho_b > 1.0) || (rho < 0.0) || (rho > 1.0)
) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
/* Check if network has been modified or learning func has been changed */
if (NetModified || LearnFuncHasChanged || (TopoSortID != ARTMAP_TOPO_TYPE)){
(void) kr_topoSort(ARTMAP_TOPO_TYPE);
ret_code = KernelErrorCode;
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
NetModified = TRUE;
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
NetModified = FALSE;
LearnFuncHasChanged = FALSE;
}/* if */
/* set initial activation values */
ret_code = kram_init_i_act(rho_a, rho_b, rho);
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
/* beta_a, beta_b are other learning parameters of the network which are
determined when initializing the network. They are there written to
the bias field of the structure of each unit of the corresponding ART
1 network. Now we will read these values. */
/* find an ARTa unit and get ARTa beta value */
for (unit_ptr=unit_array+1; unit_ptr->lln != ARTMAP_INPa_LAY; unit_ptr++);
beta_a = unit_ptr->bias;
/* find an ARTb unit and get ARTb beta value */
for (unit_ptr=unit_array+1; unit_ptr->lln != ARTMAP_INPb_LAY; unit_ptr++);
beta_b = unit_ptr->bias;
if ((beta_a <= 0.0) || (beta_b <= 0.0)) {
topo_msg.error_code = KRERR_PARAM_BETA;
topo_msg.src_error_unit = 0;
topo_msg.dest_error_unit = 1;
return (topo_msg.error_code);
}/* if */
/* # of output parameters is 0 */
*NoOfOutParams = 0;
*parameterOutArray = NULL;
/* get pointers to first elements of each layer in topo_ptr_array */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + 1;
for (i = 0; i <= 13; i++) {
topo_layer[i] = topo_ptr;
do {
} while (*topo_ptr++ != NULL);
}/* for */
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
/* Search phase */
start = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(start_pattern);
end = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(end_pattern);
end += kr_NoOfSubPatPairs(end_pattern) - 1;
for(n=start; n<=end; n++){
/* initialize the unit activations of the whole net */
ret_code = krart_reset_activations();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
/* put pattern into input units */
ret_code =
put_ARTMAP_in_pattern(pattern_no, sub_pat_no, topo_layer[0],
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
/* repeat synchronous propagation and look for winner until pattern
is classified or network tells us, that pattern is not
classifiable */
do {
/* 1 propagation step (all units push their information onto
their output and calculate their new activation. */
/* look for the recognition unit with the highest activation
returns a NULL pointer if all recognition units have
activation 0.0 */
winner_ptr_a = krart_get_winner(topo_layer[2], 1.0);
winner_ptr_b = krart_get_winner(topo_layer[8], 1.0);
/* training phase */
/* Train network i.e. adjust weights between comparison layer and
winner_unit and vice versa of both, ARTa and ARTb. Further
adjust weights between ARTa delay and map field layer. */
ret_code = adjust_ARTMAP_weights(beta_a, beta_b,
topo_layer[1], topo_layer[7],
topo_layer[3], topo_layer[9],
winner_ptr_a, winner_ptr_b);
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) {
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
} else {
/* we're doing nothing */
}/* if */
}/* for */
return (ret_code);
FUNCTION : put_ARTMAP_in_pattern
PURPOSE : pushes a new pattern into the input units of the network
RETURNS : kernel error code
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err put_ARTMAP_in_pattern(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no,
TopoPtrArray topo_inpa_ptr,
TopoPtrArray topo_inpb_ptr)
int ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
register Patterns in_pat;
struct Unit *unit_ptr;
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr_a = topo_inpa_ptr;
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr_b = topo_inpb_ptr;
/* calculate startadress of actual pattern */
in_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,INPUT,NULL);
while ((unit_ptr = *topo_ptr_a++) != NULL) {
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY) {
unit_ptr->act = unit_ptr->Out.output = *in_pat++;
} else {
unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++;
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act);
}/* if */
}/* while */
while ((unit_ptr = *topo_ptr_b++) != NULL) {
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY) {
unit_ptr->act = unit_ptr->Out.output = *in_pat++;
} else {
unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++;
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act);
}/* if */
}/* while */
return (ret_code);
}/* put_ARTMAP_in_pattern */
FUNCTION : adjust_ARTMAP_weights
PURPOSE : training function for ARTMAP networks
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Parameters:
beta_a constant value beta of ARTa > 0.0
beta_b constant value beta of ARTb > 0.0
compa_ptr points to pointer to 1st comparison unit of ARTa
compb_ptr points to pointer to 1st comparison unit of ARTb
dela_ptr points to pointer to first unit in the delay layer.
The t(j,i) links are not between recognition layer
and comparison layer but between the respective
delay unit of the recogniton unit and the
comparison layer. So first we have to look for the
corresponding delay unit of the winning unit before
training these weights.
delb_ptr points to pointer to first unit in the delay layer.
The t(j,i) links are not between recognition layer
and comparison layer but between the respective
delay unit of the recogniton unit and the
comparison layer. So first we have to look for the
corresponding delay unit of the winning unit before
training these weights.
map_ptr points to pointer to first unit in the map layer
winner_ptr_a points to winning unit of the recognition layer of
winner_ptr_b points to winning unit of the recognition layer of
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err adjust_ARTMAP_weights(double beta_a, double beta_b,
TopoPtrArray compa_ptr,
TopoPtrArray compb_ptr,
TopoPtrArray dela_ptr,
TopoPtrArray delb_ptr,
TopoPtrArray map_ptr,
struct Unit * winner_ptr_a,
struct Unit * winner_ptr_b)
krui_err ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
TopoPtrArray topo_ptr = NULL;
struct Unit *unit_ptr_compa = NULL, *unit_ptr_compb = NULL,
*unit_ptr_dela = NULL, *unit_ptr_delb = NULL,
*unit_ptr_map = NULL;
struct Link *link_ptr = NULL;
bool found_dela_unit = FALSE;
bool found_delb_unit = FALSE;
FlintType sum_ck = 0.0;
if ((winner_ptr_a == NULL) || (winner_ptr_b == NULL)) {
/* We are using ARTMAP in a non-learning mode, wo we are not allowed
to adjust weights now. Weights may just be adjusted, if we have an
input in ARTa and ARTb each of which brings out a winner in the
respective F2-Layer */
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
/* get corresponding unit of the winning unit of ARTa in the delay layer */
topo_ptr = dela_ptr;
while ((!found_dela_unit) && (*topo_ptr != NULL)) {
unit_ptr_dela = *topo_ptr++;
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr_dela, link_ptr) {
if (link_ptr->to == winner_ptr_a) {
found_dela_unit = TRUE;
}/* if */
}/* while */
/* get corresponding unit of the winning unit of ARTb in the delay layer */
topo_ptr = delb_ptr;
while ((!found_delb_unit) && (*topo_ptr != NULL)) {
unit_ptr_delb = *topo_ptr++;
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr_delb, link_ptr) {
if (link_ptr->to == winner_ptr_b) {
found_delb_unit = TRUE;
}/* if */
}/* while */
if ((!found_dela_unit) || (!found_delb_unit)) {
/* There was no delay unit found corresponding to the winning
recognition unit in ARTa or ARTb */
ret_code = KRERR_TOPOLOGY;
return (ret_code);
}/* if */
/********* ADJUST WEIGHTS *********/
/* Adjust weights between winning unit (delay-layer) and comparison layer
(t(j,i) link values) -> ARTa
t(j,i) = c(i) where j is the number of the winning neuron in the delay
layer and i ist the number of a comparison unit.
topo_ptr = compa_ptr;
while ((unit_ptr_compa = *topo_ptr++) != NULL) {
sum_ck += unit_ptr_compa->act; /* sum up activatons of comparison
layer. sum_ck is needed for b(i,j) */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr_compa, link_ptr) {
if (link_ptr->to == unit_ptr_dela) {
link_ptr->weight = ART1_ADJUST_LINK_DEL_CMP(unit_ptr_compa);
}/* if */
}/* while */
/* Adjust weights between comparison layer and winning unit (recognition
layer) -> ARTa
b(i,j) = c(i) / (beta + sum(k)(c(k)))
where j is the number of the winning neuron in the recognition layer, i
ist the number of a comparison unit and k runs over all comparison
units. (sum(k)(c(k))) = sum_ck.
FOR_ALL_LINKS(winner_ptr_a, link_ptr) {
if (link_ptr->to->lln == ARTMAP_CMPa_LAY) {
link_ptr->weight = (FlintType)ART1_ADJUST_LINK_CMP_REC(link_ptr->to,
}/* if */
/* Adjust weights between winning unit (delay-layer) and comparison layer
(t(j,i) link values) -> ARTb
t(j,i) = c(i) where j is the number of the winning neuron in the delay
layer and i ist the number of a comparison unit.
topo_ptr = compb_ptr;
sum_ck = 0.0;
while ((unit_ptr_compb = *topo_ptr++) != NULL) {
sum_ck += unit_ptr_compb->act; /* sum up activatons of comparison
layer. sum_ck is needed for b(i,j) */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr_compb, link_ptr) {
if (link_ptr->to == unit_ptr_delb) {
link_ptr->weight = ART1_ADJUST_LINK_DEL_CMP(unit_ptr_compb);
}/* if */
}/* while */
/* Adjust weights between comparison layer and winning unit (recognition
layer) (b(i,j) link values)
b(i,j) = c(i) / (beta + sum(k)(c(k)))
where j is the number of the winning neuron in the recognition layer, i
ist the number of a comparison unit and k runs over all comparison
units. (sum(k)(c(k))) = sum_ck.
FOR_ALL_LINKS(winner_ptr_b, link_ptr) {
if (link_ptr->to->lln == ARTMAP_CMPb_LAY) {
link_ptr->weight = (FlintType)ART1_ADJUST_LINK_CMP_REC(link_ptr->to,
}/* if */
/* Adjust weights between delay units of ARTa and map units
w(i,j) = map(j) where j is the number of a neuron in the map layer i is
the number of the winning neuron in the dela layer
topo_ptr = map_ptr;
while ((unit_ptr_map = *topo_ptr++) != NULL) {
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr_map, link_ptr) {
if (link_ptr->to == unit_ptr_dela) {
/* Same as adjustment between delay and comparison layer */
link_ptr->weight = ART1_ADJUST_LINK_DEL_CMP(unit_ptr_map);
}/* if */
}/* while */
return (ret_code);
}/* adjust_ARTMAP_weights () */
GROUP : backpropagation through time learning functions
AUTHOR : Martin Reczko
NOTES : Implemented are Truncated backpropagation through time with
online-update (BPTT), Truncated backpropagation through time
with batch-update (BBPTT) and truncated quickprop through
time (QPTT) learning functions
DATE : 01.08.1992
LAST CHANGE : 06.11.1993
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
FUNCTION : BPTT_clear_deltaw
PURPOSE : BPTT weight change reset
RETURNS : kernel error code
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err BPTT_clear_deltaw(void)
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
struct Link *link_ptr;
FOR_ALL_UNITS(unit_ptr) {
/* reset old weight changes (_a), old gradients (_b) and gradient
accumulators (_c) */
unit_ptr->value_a = 0.0;
unit_ptr->value_b = 0.0;
unit_ptr->value_c = 0.0;
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
link_ptr->value_a = 0.0;
link_ptr->value_b = 0.0;
link_ptr->value_c = 0.0;
return (KRERR_NO_ERROR);
FUNCTION : initializeBPTT
PURPOSE : BPTT network activity reset
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : BPTT data structures: unit:
unit_ptr->olddelta : delta values, after finished calculation
for 1 time step
unit_ptr->newdelta : accumulators for new delta values
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static krui_err initializeBPTT(void)
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
int i;
FOR_ALL_UNITS(unit_ptr) {
/* clear netact-copies */
for (i = 0; i < MAX_BPTT_BACKSTEP; i++)
unit_ptr->actbuf[i] = 0.0;
return (KRERR_NO_ERROR);
FUNCTION : BPTT_propagateNetForward
PURPOSE : topological forward propagation (backprop thru time)
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static void BPTT_propagateNetForward(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no, int nhist)
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register Patterns in_pat;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
TopoPtrArray first_hidden_ptr;
int i, done_hidden;
int all_zero_input = 1; /* flag to reset net-copies */
/* calculate startaddress for input pattern array */
in_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,INPUT,NULL);
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
/* copy pattern into input unit's activation and calculate output of the
input units */
/* topo_ptr points to a (topological sorted) unit stucture (input units
first) */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL){
/* apply input pattern */
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* there is no need to call the output function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++;
/* no identity output function: calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output =
(*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++);
if (fabs(unit_ptr->act) > 0.000001)
all_zero_input = 0; /* no reset-input */
/* BPTT: shift the actbuf for this input buffer one step back in time */
for (i = nhist; i > 0; i--) {
unit_ptr->actbuf[i] = unit_ptr->actbuf[i - 1];
/* the new input pattern moves into the second time-layer with index 1,
since activations for this pattern are calculated in time-layer 0 */
unit_ptr->actbuf[1] = unit_ptr->act;
/* An all-zero input pattern resets all network activities */
if (all_zero_input) {
initializeBPTT(); /* reset all netact-copies at start of sequences */
/* store first hidden unit pointer */
first_hidden_ptr = topo_ptr;
/* shift all actbufs for non-input units one step back in time, make most
recent activity visible in unit_ptr->Out.output for subsequent calls
to act_func */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* hidden layer */
for (i = nhist; i > 0; i--)
unit_ptr->actbuf[i] = unit_ptr->actbuf[i - 1];
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->actbuf[1];
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* output layer */
for (i = nhist; i > 0; i--)
unit_ptr->actbuf[i] = unit_ptr->actbuf[i - 1];
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->actbuf[1];
/* calculate new activities for hidden and output units */
/* point to first hidden unit */
topo_ptr = first_hidden_ptr;
done_hidden = 0;
while (((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) || (done_hidden == 0))
if (unit_ptr == NULL) {
done_hidden = 1;
} else {
/* calc actbuf[0] using actbuf[1], don't update Out.output while
updating units, wait until all units are processed */
unit_ptr->act = (*unit_ptr->act_func) (unit_ptr);
unit_ptr->actbuf[0] = unit_ptr->act;
/* set Out.output */
topo_ptr = first_hidden_ptr;
done_hidden = 0;
while (((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) || (done_hidden == 0))
if (unit_ptr == NULL) {
done_hidden = 1;
} else {
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* identity output function: there is no need to call the
output function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act;
/* no identity output function: calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act);
FUNCTION : initOldDeltas
NOTES : BPTT starts at the first time-layer (actbuf[0]).
The deltas for this layer are calculated for the output units by
comparison with the target values. All other deltas for hidden
units are zero. The deltas are propagated to the second time-layer
(actbuf[1]) into oldelta
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static float initOldDeltas(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register Patterns out_pat;
register float error, sum_error, devit, delta, tmp;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
TopoPtrArray first_hidden_ptr;
int all_correct = 1; /* flag, wether all bits in the
pattern are correct */
int size;
/* Initdelta, Step 1: clear all olddeltas (accumulate delta in olddelta) */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* input units */
unit_ptr->olddelta = 0.0;
/* store first hidden unit pointer */
first_hidden_ptr = topo_ptr;
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* hidden units */
unit_ptr->olddelta = 0.0;
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* output units */
unit_ptr->olddelta = 0.0;
sum_error = 0.0; /* reset network error */
/* calculate address of the output pattern (with number pattern_no + 1) */
out_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,OUTPUT,&size);
out_pat += size;
/* last output unit: add 3 to no_of_topo_units because the topologic
array contains 4 NULL pointers */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + (no_of_topo_units + 3);
/* calculate olddelta for output units */
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL) {
tmp = unit_ptr->Out.output;
devit = *(--out_pat);
/* count correct bits using threshold of 0.5 */
if (devit > 0.5) {
if (tmp > 0.5)
all_correct = 0;
} else {
if (tmp <= 0.5)
all_correct = 0;
devit = devit - tmp; /* calc. devitation (target_j - output_j) */
error = devit * devit;
sum_error += error;
/* BPTT uses sum_j ( o_j - t_j )^2 as error function => -2.0 * ... */
delta = -2.0 * devit * ((unit_ptr->act_deriv_func) (unit_ptr));
/* Initdelta, Step 2: upstream propagation of gradients for backprop */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
tmp = delta * link_ptr->weight;
link_ptr->to->olddelta += tmp; /* accumulate delta */
/* accumulate weight gradient */
link_ptr->value_c += link_ptr->to->actbuf[1] * delta;
/* accumulate bias gradient */
unit_ptr->value_c += delta;
}/* output units done */
/* Initdelta, Step 3: clear newdelta */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* input units */
unit_ptr->newdelta = 0.0;
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* hidden units */
unit_ptr->newdelta = 0.0;
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* output units */
unit_ptr->newdelta = 0.0;
return (sum_error);
FUNCTION : oneStepBackprop
PURPOSE : calc weight changes between consecutive time steps
RETURNS : network error
NOTES : heart of BPTT
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static float oneStepBackprop(int backstep, int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no,
int nhist)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
double delta, sum_error;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
int done_hidden, nextlayer;
float tmp;
if (backstep == 0) {
sum_error = initOldDeltas(pattern_no,sub_pat_no);
return (sum_error); /* start case */
} else /* at least for time layer 0, old deltas are
known */
sum_error = 0.0;
/* index of next layer (used frequently!) */
nextlayer = backstep + 1;
/* point to seperator after last input unit */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array; /* + (NoOfInputUnits + 1); */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL);
done_hidden = 0;
while (((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) || (done_hidden == 0))
if (unit_ptr == NULL) { /* skip NULL seperator between hidden and
output units */
done_hidden = 1;
} else { /* delta = f'(net[backstep]) * olddelta */
/* copy actbuf[backstep] to act to enable call to act_deriv_func
(overhead: better definition of activation functions required) */
unit_ptr->act = unit_ptr->actbuf[backstep];
delta = ((unit_ptr->act_deriv_func)(unit_ptr)) * unit_ptr->olddelta;
/* propagate gradients upstream */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
tmp = delta * link_ptr->weight;
link_ptr->to->newdelta += tmp; /* accumulate delta */
/* accumulate weight gradient */
link_ptr->value_c += link_ptr->to->actbuf[nextlayer] * delta;
/* accumulate bias gradient */
unit_ptr->value_c += delta;
/* copy newdeltas to olddeltas, clear newdeltas */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* input units */
unit_ptr->olddelta = unit_ptr->newdelta;
unit_ptr->newdelta = 0.0;
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* hidden units */
unit_ptr->olddelta = unit_ptr->newdelta;
unit_ptr->newdelta = 0.0;
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* output units */
unit_ptr->olddelta = unit_ptr->newdelta;
unit_ptr->newdelta = 0.0;
return (sum_error);
PURPOSE : adapt all weights after BPTT using steepest descent with momentum
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static void BPTTadapt(float step_size, float bptt_momentum)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
int done_hidden = 0;
float delta;
/* point to seperator after last input unit */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + (NoOfInputUnits + 1);
/* for each non-input unit: add weight changes to old weights */
while (((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) || (done_hidden == 0)) {
if (unit_ptr == NULL) {
done_hidden = 1;
} else {
delta = step_size * (-unit_ptr->value_c) +
bptt_momentum * unit_ptr->value_a;
if (!IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(unit_ptr))
unit_ptr->bias += delta;
unit_ptr->value_a = delta;
unit_ptr->value_c = 0.0;
/* set act to last activity, since it was scrambled by bptt */
unit_ptr->act = unit_ptr->Out.output;
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
delta = step_size * (-link_ptr->value_c) +
bptt_momentum * link_ptr->value_a;
link_ptr->value_a = delta;
link_ptr->value_c = 0.0;
if (!IS_SPECIAL_UNIT(unit_ptr))
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->value_a;
FUNCTION : BPTT_propagateNetBackward
PURPOSE : BPTT-main: accumulate weight changes backward thru time
RETURNS : network error
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
static float BPTT_propagateNetBackward(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no,int nhist)
float error = 0.0;
float dummy;
int backstep;
/* go nhist steps back thru time */
for (backstep = 0; backstep < nhist; backstep++)
if (backstep == 0) {
/* start at output, pattern-error is calculated first */
error = oneStepBackprop(backstep, pattern_no, sub_pat_no, nhist);
} else {
dummy = oneStepBackprop(backstep, pattern_no, sub_pat_no, nhist);
return (error);
PURPOSE : Backpropagation through time learning function
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Input Parameters: 1 : step_size
2 : momentum
3 : nhist
Output Parameters: 1 : error of the network (sum of all cycles)
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err LEARN_BPTT(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1]; /* OutParameter[0] stores the
learning error */
int i, ret_code, pattern_no, sub_pat_no, patterns;
int nhist; /* number of steps back in time */
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
if (NoOfUnits == 0)
return (KRERR_NO_UNITS); /* No Units defined */
if (NoOfInParams < 1) /* has to be ... snns habit ? */
return (KRERR_PARAMETERS); /* Not enough input parameters */
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* One return value is available (the
learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set the output parameter reference */
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGIC_TYPE)) {
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* any connected topology allowed */
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
ret_code = kr_IOCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* sort units by ''topologic type'', criterion is visibility
(input,hidden,output), not topology */
ret_code = kr_topoSort(TOPOLOGIC_TYPE);
if ((ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) && (ret_code != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (ret_code);
/* sites are not supported, check absence */
NetModified = FALSE;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged) { /* Net has been modified or
initialized, clear weight
changes */
ret_code = BPTT_clear_deltaw();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0; /* reset network error value */
NoOfLearnedPatterns = 0; /* correct bits using threshold of 0.5 */
nhist = LEARN_PARAM3(parameterInArray);
if (nhist > MAX_BPTT_BACKSTEP)
return (KRERR_NET_DEPTH); /* actbuf and learning functions
support only MAX_BPTT_BACKSTEP net
copies */
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
patterns = 0;
/* 1st parameter is the pattern number 2nd parameter is the number of
steps back in time */
BPTT_propagateNetForward(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,nhist); /*Forward pass */
/* Backward propagation */
+= BPTT_propagateNetBackward(pattern_no, sub_pat_no, nhist);
/* online version: adapt net after each pattern has been
backpropagated through time and weight changes have accumulated
through time */
return (ret_code);
PURPOSE : Batch backpropagation through time learning function (BBPTT)
NOTES : Input Parameters: 1 : step_size
2 : momentum
3 : nhist
Output Parameters: 1 : error of the network (sum of all cycles)
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err LEARN_BBPTT(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1]; /* OutParameter[0] stores the
learning error */
int i, ret_code, pattern_no, sub_pat_no, patterns;
int nhist; /* number of steps back in time */
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
if (NoOfUnits == 0)
return (KRERR_NO_UNITS); /* No Units defined */
if (NoOfInParams < 1) /* has to be ... snns habit ? */
return (KRERR_PARAMETERS); /* Not enough input parameters */
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* One return value is available (the
learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set the output parameter reference */
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGIC_TYPE)) {
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* any connected topology allowed */
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
ret_code = kr_IOCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* sort units by ''topologic type'', criterion is visibility
(input,hidden,output), not topology */
ret_code = kr_topoSort(TOPOLOGIC_TYPE);
if ((ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) && (ret_code != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (ret_code);
/* sites are not supported, check absence */
NetModified = FALSE;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged) { /* Net has been modified or
initialized, clear weight
changes */
ret_code = BPTT_clear_deltaw();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0; /* reset network error value */
NoOfLearnedPatterns = 0; /* correct bits using threshold of 0.5 */
nhist = LEARN_PARAM3(parameterInArray);
if (nhist > MAX_BPTT_BACKSTEP)
return (KRERR_NET_DEPTH); /* actbuf and learning functions
support only MAX_BPTT_BACKSTEP net
copies */
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
patterns = 0;
/* 1st parameter is the pattern number 2nd parameter is the number of
steps back in time */
BPTT_propagateNetForward(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,nhist); /*Forward pass */
/* Backward propagation */
+= BPTT_propagateNetBackward(pattern_no, sub_pat_no, nhist);
/* batch version */
BPTTadapt(LEARN_PARAM1(parameterInArray) / patterns,
return (ret_code);
PURPOSE : Quickprop through time learning function
RETURNS : kernel error code
NOTES : Input Parameters: 1 : step_size
2 : maximum step growth
3 : decay factor
4 : nhist
Output Parameters: 1 : error of the network (sum of all cycles)
UPDATE : 06.11.1993 by Guenter Mamier
krui_err LEARN_QPTT(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1]; /* OutParameter[0] stores the
learning error */
int i, ret_code, pattern_no, sub_pat_no, patterns;
int nhist; /* number of steps back in time */
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
if (NoOfUnits == 0)
return (KRERR_NO_UNITS);/* No Units defined */
if (NoOfInParams < 1) /* snns habit ? */
return (KRERR_PARAMETERS); /* Not enough input parameters */
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* One return value is available (the
learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set the output parameter reference */
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGIC_TYPE)) {
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* any connected topology allowed */
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
ret_code = kr_IOCheck();
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* sort units by ''topologic type'', criterion is visibility
(input,hidden,output), not topology */
ret_code = kr_topoSort(TOPOLOGIC_TYPE);
if ((ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) && (ret_code != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (ret_code);
/* sites are not supported, check absence */
NetModified = FALSE;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged) { /* Net has been modified or
initialized, clear weight
changes */
ret_code = BPTT_clear_deltaw();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0; /* reset network error value */
NoOfLearnedPatterns = 0; /* correct bits using threshold of 0.5 */
nhist = LEARN_PARAM4(parameterInArray);
if (nhist > MAX_BPTT_BACKSTEP)
return (KRERR_NET_DEPTH); /* actbuf and learning functions
support only MAX_BPTT_BACKSTEP net
copies */
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
patterns = 0;
/* 1st parameter is the pattern number 2nd parameter is the number of
steps back in time */
BPTT_propagateNetForward(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,nhist); /*Forward pass */
/* Backward propagation */
+= BPTT_propagateNetBackward(pattern_no, sub_pat_no, nhist);
MODI_quickprop(LEARN_PARAM1(parameterInArray) / patterns,
return (ret_code);
GROUP : kohonen_learning
PURPOSE : learning algorithm for Kohonen Feature Map
AUTHOR : Marc Seemann
DATE : August 6 1992
LAST CHANGE : 07.02.1994 by Sven Doering
Copyright (c) 1992-1994 Neuro Group, Univ. of Tuebingen, FRG
FUNCTION : propagateNet_kohonen
PURPOSE : Propagate and train a pattern
UPDATE : 07.02 1994 by Sven Doering
Copyright (c) 1992-1994 Neuro Group, Univ. of Tuebingen, FRG
static float propagateNet_kohonen(int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no, float height,
float radius, int sizehor)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Unit *winner_ptr;
register Patterns in_pat, out_pat;
register int NoOfCompounds, sizever, verwin, horwin, hor, ver, helpver,
helphor, range, i;
float maximum, sum_error, deviat, learn_error, sum;
float unit_ptr_net;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
float adapt;
int winner, ret, current_no;
/* calculate the activation and the output values */
/* of the input units (Input Layer) */
NoOfCompounds = NoOfInputUnits;
sizever = NoOfHiddenUnits / sizehor;
sum = 0.0;
/* calculate startaddress for input pattern array */
in_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,INPUT,NULL);
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
/* copy pattern into input unit's activation and calculate output of the
input units */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* topo_ptr points to the
unit stuctures (sorted by:
input-, hidden- and
output-units, separated
with NULL pointers) */
sum += *in_pat * *in_pat;
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* identity output function: there is no need to call the output
function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++;
/* no identity output function: calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output =
(*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++);
if (sum != 0.0)
/* normalize the inputvector */
/* propagate Kohonen Layer */
/* calculate the activation and the output values */
/* of the cmpetitive units (hidden layer) */
/* winner is determined using the dot product */
winner_ptr = NULL;
maximum = -1.0e30; /* contains the maximum of the activations */
current_no = 0;
/* propagate hidden units */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL) { /* topo_ptr points to a
(topological sorted) unit
stucture */
unit_ptr_net = 0.0;
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS(unit_ptr)) { /* the unit has direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr)
unit_ptr_net += (link_ptr->weight * link_ptr->to->Out.output);
} else { /* the unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr)
unit_ptr_net += (link_ptr->weight * link_ptr->to->Out.output);
if (maximum < unit_ptr_net) { /* determine winner unit */
winner_ptr = unit_ptr;
maximum = unit_ptr_net;
winner = current_no;
/* reset output and activation of hidden units */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act = (FlintType) 0;
/* the competitive winner is chosen */
winner_ptr->Out.output = winner_ptr->act = (FlintType) 1;
winner_ptr->value_a = (FlintType) (pattern_no + 1);
/* store number of according pattern in winner unit */
horwin = winner % sizehor;
verwin = winner / sizehor;
/* Train the SOM */
/* Only the weights of links that go to the winner and its */
/* neighbourhood are adjusted, the others remain the same. */
/* The incoming weights to the competitive units are adapted */
/* as follows: */
/* weight(new) = weight(old) + adapt * (output - weight(old)) */
/* where adapt is the learning rate (0 < adapt <= 1.0) */
/* and output is the value of the input unit vector */
for (ver = 0; ver < sizever; ver++)
for (hor = 0; hor < sizehor; hor++)
if ((hor < radius + horwin) &&
(hor > horwin - radius) &&
(ver < radius + verwin) &&
(ver > verwin - radius)) {
helpver = (float) ((ver - verwin) * (ver - verwin));
helphor = (float) ((hor - horwin) * (hor - horwin));
adapt = height * exp(-(helpver + helphor) /
(float) (radius * radius));
sum = 0.0;
range = ver * sizehor + hor + 1 + NoOfCompounds;
/* get unit pointer of unit in adaptation range */
unit_ptr = kr_getUnitPtr(range);
if (unit_ptr->flags & UFLAG_DLINKS) { /* the unit has */
/* direct links */
FOR_ALL_LINKS(unit_ptr, link_ptr) {
deviat=link_ptr->to->Out.output - link_ptr->weight;
learn_error = adapt * deviat;
link_ptr->weight += learn_error;
/* this is needed for the normalization of the
weight_vector */
sum += link_ptr->weight * link_ptr->weight;
} else { /* the winner unit has sites */
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS(winner_ptr,site_ptr,link_ptr) {
deviat=link_ptr->to->Out.output - link_ptr->weight;
learn_error = adapt * deviat;
link_ptr->weight += learn_error;
/* this is needed for the normalization of the
weight_vector */
sum += link_ptr->weight * link_ptr->weight;
if (sum != 0.0)
normalize_weight(unit_ptr, sum);
sum_error = 0.0; /* 0.0 is chosen arbitrarily and serves no
purpose */
return (sum_error);
FUNCTION : initializeKohonenLearning
PURPOSE : initialize the SOM
UPDATE : 19.08.1993
Copyright (c) 1992-1994 Neuro Group, Univ. of Tuebingen, FRG
static krui_err initializeKohonenLearning(void)
register unsigned short flags;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
FOR_ALL_UNITS(unit_ptr) {
flags = unit_ptr->flags;
if ((flags & UFLAG_IN_USE) == UFLAG_IN_USE) /* unit is in use */
unit_ptr->value_a = unit_ptr->bias = (FlintType) 0.0;
return (KRERR_NO_ERROR);
PURPOSE : incorporates the body of the kohonen learning algorithm
NOTES : the parameterInArray must contain 4 parameter
1) initial adaptation height
2) initial adaptation radius
3) multiplication factor
4) horizontal ize of the competitive (hidden) layer
UPDATE : july 13 1993
krui_err LEARN_kohonen(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float parameterInArray[], int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1]; /* OutParameter[0] stores the
learning error */
int ret_code, i, pattern_no, sub_pat_no;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
if (NoOfUnits == 0)
return (KRERR_NO_UNITS);/* No Units defined */
if (NoOfInParams < 5) /* see Note */
return (KRERR_PARAMETERS); /* Not enough input parameters */
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* one return value is available (the
learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter; /* set output parameter reference */
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* clear return code */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGIC_TYPE)) {
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
ret_code = kr_IOCheck();
if (ret_code == KRERR_NO_OUTPUT_UNITS)
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* sort units by topology and by topologic type */
ret_code = kr_topoSort(TOPOLOGIC_TYPE);
if (ret_code == KRERR_NO_OUTPUT_UNITS)
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
if ((ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) && (ret_code != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (ret_code);
NetModified = FALSE;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged) { /* Net has been modified or
initialized, initialize
kohonen now */
ret_code = initializeKohonenLearning();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
if ((int) LEARN_PARAM5(parameterInArray) == 0) {
return (ret_code);
if ((LEARN_PARAM3(parameterInArray) > 1.0) ||
(LEARN_PARAM3(parameterInArray) < 0.0)) {
return (ret_code);
if ((LEARN_PARAM4(parameterInArray) > 1.0) ||
(LEARN_PARAM4(parameterInArray) < 0.0)) {
return (ret_code);
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) = 0.0; /* reset network error value */
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) +=
(int) LEARN_PARAM5(parameterInArray));
LEARN_PARAM1(parameterInArray) *= LEARN_PARAM3(parameterInArray);
LEARN_PARAM2(parameterInArray) *= LEARN_PARAM4(parameterInArray);
return (ret_code);
FUNCTION : spanning_tree
PURPOSE : calculate the spanning tree of the kohonen feature map
NOTES : evaluating the learn function doesn't affect the net itself
UPDATE : july 13 1993
krui_err spanning_tree(void)
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
int ret_code, i, n, pattern_no, sub_pat_no;
if (NoOfUnits == 0)
return (KRERR_NO_UNITS);/* No Units defined */
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* clear return code */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGIC_TYPE)) {
/* Net has been modified or topologic array isn't initialized */
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
ret_code = kr_IOCheck();
if (ret_code == KRERR_NO_OUTPUT_UNITS)
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
if (ret_code < KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
/* sort units by topology and by topologic type */
ret_code = kr_topoSort(TOPOLOGIC_TYPE);
if (ret_code == KRERR_NO_OUTPUT_UNITS)
ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
if ((ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) && (ret_code != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (ret_code);
NetModified = FALSE;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged) { /* Net has been modified or
initialized, initialize
kohonen now */
ret_code = initializeKohonenLearning();
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (ret_code);
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL);
/* topo_ptr points to the units' stucture (sorted by: input-, hidden- and
output-units, separated by NULL pointers) */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL)
/* topo_ptr points to hidden_units */
unit_ptr->value_a = 0; /* the unit next to a pattern stores the
number of that pattern in value_a, at the
beginning initialized to 0 */
n = 0;
/* To calculate the winning unit we call the propagateNet_kohonen
function, and treat the map as 1-dimensional array */
propagateNet_kohonen(pattern_no, sub_pat_no, 0.0, 0.0, 1);
return (ret_code);
}/* spanning_tree */
PURPOSE : learning functions for JORDAN / ELMAN networks
AUTHOR : Tobias Soyez
DATE : 09.11.1993
LAST CHANGE : 09.11.1993
Copyright (c) 1990-1994 SNNS Group, IPVR, Univ. Stuttgart, FRG
FUNCTION : update_je_context_units
PURPOSE : synchronous update of context units
static void update_je_context_units (int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no)
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr, topo_ptr_context ;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr ;
register Patterns out_pat ;
int size;
out_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,OUTPUT,&size);
out_pat += size;
topo_ptr_context = topo_ptr_array + (no_of_topo_units + 3) ;
/* ---- store real output, force teaching output ---- */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_context ;
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL)
unit_ptr->actbuf[0] = unit_ptr->Out.output ;
unit_ptr->Out.output = *--out_pat ;
/* ---- calculate new activation of context units ---- */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_context ;
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL)
unit_ptr->act = (*unit_ptr->act_func) (unit_ptr) ;
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act ;
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act) ;
/* ---- restore real output ---- */
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_context ;
while ((unit_ptr = *--topo_ptr) != NULL)
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->actbuf[0] ;
FUNCTION : reset_je_context_units
PURPOSE : resets the context units
static void reset_je_context_units (void)
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr ;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr ;
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array + (no_of_topo_units + 3) ;
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL)
unit_ptr->act = unit_ptr->i_act ;
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act ;
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act) ;
FUNCTION : check_je_network
PURPOSE : checks the topology of a partial recurrent network
(i.e. JORDAN and ELMAN networks)
static krui_err check_je_network (void)
/* check the topology of the network */
(void) kr_topoCheckJE () ;
if (KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR) return (KernelErrorCode) ;
/* count the no. of I/O units and check the patterns */
if (kr_IOCheck() != KRERR_NO_ERROR) return (KernelErrorCode) ;
/* sort units by topology and by topologic type */
(void) kr_topoSort (TOPOLOGICAL_JE) ;
if ((KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR) &&
(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_DEAD_UNITS))
return (KernelErrorCode) ;
NetModified = FALSE;
return (KRERR_NO_ERROR) ;
PURPOSE : backpropagation learning function for JORDAN / ELMAN networks
NOTES : input parameters : 1. learning parameter
2. delta max
output parameters : 1. error of the network (sum of all cycles)
return value : kernel error code
krui_err LEARN_JE_Backprop (int start_pattern , int end_pattern ,
float *parameterInArray , int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1] ; /* OutParameter[0] stores the */
/* learning error */
int n, pattern_no,sub_pat_no ;
int start, end;
KernelErrorCode = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
if (NoOfInParams < 2) return (KRERR_PARAMETERS) ;
*NoOfOutParams = 1 ; /* one return value is available */
/* (the learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter ; /* set the output parameter reference */
NET_ERROR (OutParameter) = 0.0 ; /* reset network error value */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGICAL_JE))
KernelErrorCode = check_je_network () ;
if (KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR) return (KernelErrorCode) ;
reset_je_context_units () ;
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
start = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(start_pattern);
end = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(end_pattern);
end += kr_NoOfSubPatPairs(end_pattern) - 1;
for(n=start; n<=end; n++){
propagateNetForward (pattern_no,sub_pat_no) ;
NET_ERROR (OutParameter) +=
propagateNetBackward2 (pattern_no,sub_pat_no,
LEARN_PARAM1 (parameterInArray),
LEARN_PARAM2 (parameterInArray)) ;
update_je_context_units (pattern_no,sub_pat_no) ;
return (KernelErrorCode) ;
FUNCTION : LEARN_JE_BackpropMomentum
PURPOSE : backpropagation with momentum term learning funcyion
for JORDAN / ELMAN networks
NOTES : input parameters : 1. learning parameter
2. momentum factor
3. flat spot elimination
4. delta max
output parameters : 1. error of the network (sum of all cycles)
return value : kernel error code
krui_err LEARN_JE_BackpropMomentum(int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray,
int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1] ; /* OutParameter[0] stores the */
/* learning error */
int n, pattern_no,sub_pat_no ;
int start, end;
KernelErrorCode = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
if (NoOfInParams < 2) return (KRERR_PARAMETERS) ;
*NoOfOutParams = 1 ; /* one return value is available */
/* (the learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter ; /* set the output parameter reference */
NET_ERROR (OutParameter) = 0.0 ; /* reset network error value */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGICAL_JE))
KernelErrorCode = check_je_network () ;
if (KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR) return (KernelErrorCode) ;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged)
{ /* Net has been modified or initialized, initialize backprop now */
KernelErrorCode = initializeBackpropMomentum () ;
if (KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR) return (KernelErrorCode) ;
reset_je_context_units () ;
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
start = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(start_pattern);
end = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(end_pattern);
end += kr_NoOfSubPatPairs(end_pattern) - 1;
for(n=start; n<=end; n++){
propagateNetForward (pattern_no,sub_pat_no) ;
NET_ERROR (OutParameter) +=
Backprop_momentum_FSE (pattern_no,sub_pat_no,
LEARN_PARAM1( parameterInArray ),
LEARN_PARAM2( parameterInArray ),
LEARN_PARAM3( parameterInArray ),
LEARN_PARAM4( parameterInArray )) ;
update_je_context_units (pattern_no, sub_pat_no) ;
return (KernelErrorCode) ;
PURPOSE : quickprop learning function for JORDAN / ELMAN networks
NOTES : input parameters : 1. learning parameter
2. max. growth factor
3. weight decay
4. delta max
output parameters : 1. error of the network (sum of all cycles)
return value : kernel error code
krui_err LEARN_JE_Quickprop (int start_pattern , int end_pattern ,
float *parameterInArray , int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1] ; /* OutParameter[0] stores the */
/* learning error */
int n,pattern_no,sub_pat_no ;
int start, end;
KernelErrorCode = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
if (NoOfInParams < 2) return (KRERR_PARAMETERS) ;
*NoOfOutParams = 1 ; /* one return value is available */
/* (the learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter ; /* set the output parameter reference */
NET_ERROR (OutParameter) = 0.0 ; /* reset network error value */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGICAL_JE))
KernelErrorCode = check_je_network () ;
if (KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR) return (KernelErrorCode) ;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged)
/* Net has been modified or initialized, initialize quickprop now */
KernelErrorCode = initializeQuickprop () ;
if (KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR) return (KernelErrorCode) ;
reset_je_context_units () ;
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
start = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(start_pattern);
end = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(end_pattern);
end += kr_NoOfSubPatPairs(end_pattern) - 1;
for(n=start; n<=end; n++){
propagateNetForward (pattern_no,sub_pat_no) ;
NET_ERROR(OutParameter) +=
propagateNetBackwardQuickprop (pattern_no,sub_pat_no,
LEARN_PARAM4 (parameterInArray)) ;
update_je_context_units (pattern_no,sub_pat_no) ;
MODI_quickprop (LEARN_PARAM1 (parameterInArray),
LEARN_PARAM2 (parameterInArray),
LEARN_PARAM3 (parameterInArray)) ;
return (KernelErrorCode) ;
PURPOSE : rprop learning function for JORDAN / ELMAN networks
NOTES : input parameters : 1. delta 0
2. delta max
output parameters : 1. error of the network (sum of all cycles)
return value : kernel error code
krui_err LEARN_JE_Rprop (int start_pattern , int end_pattern ,
float *parameterInArray , int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter[1] ; /* OutParameter[0] stores the */
/* learning error */
int pattern_no,sub_pat_no ;
int i, n, ret_code, blocksize ;
float maxeps, update_value ;
int start, end;
if (NoOfInParams < 2) return (KRERR_PARAMETERS) ;
if (( update_value = LEARN_PARAM1 (parameterInArray)) == 0.0)
if ((maxeps = LEARN_PARAM2 (parameterInArray)) == 0.0)
maxeps = RPROP_MAXEPS;
if (update_value > maxeps) update_value = maxeps;
KernelErrorCode = ret_code = KRERR_NO_ERROR; /* reset return code */
*NoOfOutParams = 1 ; /* one return value is available */
/* (the learning error) */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter ; /* set the output parameter reference */
NET_ERROR (OutParameter) = 0.0 ; /* reset network error value */
if (NetModified || (TopoSortID != TOPOLOGICAL_JE))
KernelErrorCode = check_je_network () ;
if (KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR) return (KernelErrorCode) ;
if (NetInitialize || LearnFuncHasChanged)
{ /* Net has been modified or initialized, initialize RPROP */
ret_code = initializeRprop (update_value) ;
if (ret_code != KRERR_NO_ERROR) return (ret_code) ;
if ((blocksize = LEARN_PARAM3 (parameterInArray)) == 0)
blocksize = end_pattern;
reset_je_context_units () ;
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,blocksize);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
start = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(start_pattern);
end = kr_AbsPosOfFirstSubPat(end_pattern);
end += kr_NoOfSubPatPairs(end_pattern) - 1;
for(n=start; n<=end; n++){
propagateNetForward (pattern_no,sub_pat_no) ;
NET_ERROR (OutParameter) +=
propagateNetBackwardRprop (pattern_no,sub_pat_no) ;
update_je_context_units (pattern_no,sub_pat_no) ;
MODI_rprop (maxeps) ;
return (KernelErrorCode) ;
GROUP : Functions for autoassoziative memory networks
PURPOSE : Implement autoassoziative memory networks, including learning
functions for Rummelhart & McClelland's Delta Rule and Hebbian
AUTHOR : Jamie DeCoster
CHANGES BY : Guenter Mamier
DATE : 08.02.1994
LAST CHANGE : 09.03.1994
Copyright (c) 1994 Jamie DeCoster, Purdue University, USA
FUNCTION : RM_propagate
PURPOSE : forward propagation for Rummelhart & McClelland's Delta Rule
UPDATE : 17.02.1994
static void RM_propagate (int pattern_no, int sub_pat_no, float prop_step)
int t;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register Patterns in_pat;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
/* calculate startaddress for input pattern array */
in_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,INPUT,NULL);
if(in_pat == NULL){
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
/* copy pattern into input unit's activation and calculate output of the
input units */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL){
/* topo_ptr points to a (topological sorted) unit stucture */
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* identity output function: don't call the output function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++;
/* no identity output function: calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output =
(*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++);
for (t=0; t < prop_step; ++t){
FOR_ALL_UNITS( unit_ptr )
if UNIT_IN_USE( unit_ptr ){
/* update unit activations first */
if ( !IS_INPUT_UNIT( unit_ptr))
/* unit isn't an input unit and is in use and enabled */
unit_ptr->act = (*unit_ptr->act_func) (unit_ptr);
/* update unit outputs */
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* identity output function: don't call output function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act;
/* calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func)(unit_ptr->act);
PURPOSE : backward propagation for Rummelhart & McClelland's Delta Rule
UPDATE : 11.02.1994
static void RM_learn(float learn_parameter)
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
float ex_in, in_in, error, eta;
eta = learn_parameter;
FOR_ALL_UNITS (unit_ptr)
if (!IS_INPUT_UNIT (unit_ptr)){
/* World units don't learn so their inputs are not examined */
in_in = 0;
FOR_ALL_LINKS (unit_ptr, link_ptr)
if (IS_INPUT_UNIT (link_ptr->to))
/* Determine the input from the world unit */
ex_in = link_ptr->to->act * link_ptr->weight;
/* Determine the input from the network */
in_in += link_ptr->to->act * link_ptr->weight;
/* Error defined as the difference between the world input and
the input from the net */
error = ex_in - in_in;
/* Modify the weights */
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS (unit_ptr)){
FOR_ALL_LINKS (unit_ptr, link_ptr)
if (!IS_INPUT_UNIT (link_ptr->to))
/* The link between a world unit and its corresponding
learning unit is always 1 */
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->to->act * eta * error;
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS (unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr)
if (!IS_INPUT_UNIT (link_ptr->to))
link_ptr->weight += link_ptr->to->act * eta * error;
PURPOSE : McClelland & Rumelhart's learning rule
Input parameter: 1: learning parameter
2: no. of propagation steps
Output parameter: 1: Learning error
UPDATE : 11.02.1994
krui_err LEARN_RM_delta (int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter [1];
int i, j, pattern_no,sub_pat_no;
int no_of_layers;
float Learn_p;
float prop_step;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register Patterns in_pat;
KernelErrorCode = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
/* Checking for learning parameter */
if (NoOfInParams < 2){
return (KernelErrorCode);
Learn_p = LEARN_PARAM1 (parameterInArray);
prop_step = LEARN_PARAM2 (parameterInArray);
if (prop_step == 0){
return (KernelErrorCode);
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* Out Parameter = Learning error */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter;
(void) kr_topoSort (TOPOLOGIC_TYPE);
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
/* reset network error value */
NET_ERROR (OutParameter) = 0.0;
/* Determine order of pattern presentation */
/* Propagate the pattern through the network */
RM_propagate (pattern_no,sub_pat_no,prop_step);
/* Update links */
RM_learn (Learn_p);
/* Compute network error */
NET_ERROR (OutParameter) += Hebb_error(prop_step);
return (KernelErrorCode);
FUNCTION : Hebb_error
PURPOSE : Compute the error of the network for the Hebbian learning rule
UPDATE : 09.03.1994
static float Hebb_error(int NoOfTimes)
struct Unit *unit_ptr;
struct Link *link_ptr;
float error, sum_error, ex_in;
int t;
/* update unit activations first */
for(t=0; t < NoOfTimes; ++t){
FOR_ALL_UNITS( unit_ptr )
if ( !IS_INPUT_UNIT( unit_ptr))
if UNIT_IN_USE( unit_ptr )
/* unit isn't an input unit and is in use and enabled */
unit_ptr->act = (*unit_ptr->act_func) (unit_ptr);
/* update unit outputs */
FOR_ALL_UNITS( unit_ptr )
if UNIT_IN_USE( unit_ptr )
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* there is no need to call the output function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act;
/* calculate unit's output also */
unit_ptr->Out.output = (*unit_ptr->out_func)(unit_ptr->act);
/* calculate the error defined as the difference between the internal
and external inputs */
sum_error = 0.0;
FOR_ALL_UNITS (unit_ptr){
FOR_ALL_LINKS (unit_ptr, link_ptr)
if (IS_INPUT_UNIT (link_ptr->to)){
ex_in = link_ptr->to->act;
error = ex_in - unit_ptr->act;
sum_error += error * error;
return (sum_error);
PURPOSE : Hebbian learning rule
Input parameter: 1: learning parameter
2: Maximum absolute weight strength
Output parameter: 1: Network error
UPDATE : 09.03.1994
krui_err LEARN_HEBB (int start_pattern, int end_pattern,
float *parameterInArray, int NoOfInParams,
float **parameterOutArray, int *NoOfOutParams)
static float OutParameter [1];
int i, pattern_no, sub_pat_no;
int NoOfTimes;
float Learn_p, Weight_MAX;
register struct Unit *unit_ptr;
register struct Link *link_ptr;
register struct Site *site_ptr;
register Patterns in_pat;
register TopoPtrArray topo_ptr;
KernelErrorCode = KRERR_NO_ERROR;
if (NoOfInParams < 3){ /* Checking for learning parameter */
return (KernelErrorCode);
*NoOfOutParams = 1; /* Out Parameter = Learning error */
*parameterOutArray = OutParameter;
Learn_p = LEARN_PARAM1 (parameterInArray);
Weight_MAX = LEARN_PARAM2 (parameterInArray);
NoOfTimes = (int)LEARN_PARAM3 (parameterInArray);
if (NoOfTimes == 0){ /* Checking for learning parameter */
return (KernelErrorCode);
kr_topoSort (TOPOLOGIC_TYPE);
/* compute the necessary sub patterns */
KernelErrorCode = kr_initSubPatternOrder(start_pattern,end_pattern);
if(KernelErrorCode != KRERR_NO_ERROR)
return (KernelErrorCode);
/* reset network error value */
NET_ERROR (OutParameter) = 0.0;
/* Determine order of pattern presentation */
/* calculate startaddress for input pattern array */
in_pat = kr_getSubPatData(pattern_no,sub_pat_no,INPUT,NULL);
topo_ptr = topo_ptr_array;
/* copy pattern into input units and calculate their output */
while ((unit_ptr = *++topo_ptr) != NULL){
/* topo_ptr points to a unit structure (input units first) */
if (unit_ptr->out_func == OUT_IDENTITY)
/* identity output function */
unit_ptr->Out.output = unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++;
/* calculate unit's output */
unit_ptr->Out.output =
(*unit_ptr->out_func) (unit_ptr->act = *in_pat++);
/* copy pattern from the world units to the learning units */
FOR_ALL_UNITS (unit_ptr)
FOR_ALL_LINKS (unit_ptr, link_ptr)
if (IS_INPUT_UNIT (link_ptr->to))
unit_ptr->act = link_ptr->to->act;
/* Network has the same structure as the RM_delta autoassociative
network. Here we update the learning unit links. */
FOR_ALL_UNITS (unit_ptr)
if (!IS_INPUT_UNIT (unit_ptr)){
/* Update the links */
if (UNIT_HAS_DIRECT_INPUTS (unit_ptr)){
FOR_ALL_LINKS (unit_ptr, link_ptr)
if (!IS_INPUT_UNIT (link_ptr->to)){
/* Only change learning links */
link_ptr->weight +=
Learn_p * unit_ptr->act * (link_ptr->to->act);
if (link_ptr->weight > Weight_MAX)
link_ptr->weight = Weight_MAX;
if (link_ptr->weight < -Weight_MAX)
link_ptr->weight = -Weight_MAX;
FOR_ALL_SITES_AND_LINKS (unit_ptr, site_ptr, link_ptr)
if (!IS_INPUT_UNIT (link_ptr->to)){
link_ptr->weight +=
Learn_p * unit_ptr->act * (link_ptr->to->act);
if (link_ptr->weight > Weight_MAX)
link_ptr->weight = Weight_MAX;
if (link_ptr->weight < -Weight_MAX)
link_ptr->weight = -Weight_MAX;
NET_ERROR (OutParameter) += Hebb_error (NoOfTimes);
return (KernelErrorCode);